By Elmer H. Antonsen
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D. (R—L) brawijan · haitinazwas . . R. 6 j =^. The stone ends immediately after R. 19 s = ^ (reversed), and it is not certain that the inscription is complete, nor that was . . contained no ending. frraw-ija-n, masc. gen. , _vow-stem; PG */brau-joh-ez/, cf. OHG drewen drouwen »threaten*, OE frreian (fcreade) ,to grieve, torment', OIc. frreyja ,to pine, yearn'; PIE */tr-ow-yon-es/, cf. Olr. misery', Gk. trüö ,fret, torment', OS1. trova, truti ,to wear away'. , masc. nom. , o-stem; PG */hait-in-a-z/, cf.
87; Noreen no. 64; v. Friesen 21*; Krause 1937, no. 11*; Makaev no. 67; M sset no. 1; Krause 1966, no. 31*; Krause 1971, no. 127. 2. Thorsberg chape. Schleswig-Holstein, Germany. D. (A) owli>u|>ewaz (B) niwajemariz R. A-7 e = Π ; B-5 j = (\ ; B-6, 7 em = Η . In words: owlfntfiewaz waje mariz. owlbupewaz, cf. Go. Wulfru(-wulfs), OIc. (Egg-)per. ni (Ala-)theus, OHG Wuld(-berht), (Eggi-)deo, owlpu- = wolp-u- (with /o/ from gen. sg. */wolpoz/); PG */wulp-u-/, cf. Go. wuljnis, OE wuldor (s-stem) ,glory', OIc.
Noreen no. 55; Krause 1937, no. 56*; Marstrander 187-96*; Makaev no. 73; Müsset no. 15; Krause 1966, no. 73*; Krause 1971, no. 76. 27. Tune stone. 0stfold, Norway. D. (A) (I) (L—R) ekwiwazafter · woduri (II) (R—L) dewitadahalaiban : worahto ' (B) (I) (R-L) [me]zwoduride : staina · (II) (R—L) brijozdohtrizdalidun (III) (L—R) arbijarjostezarbijano The only uncertain runes in this inscription, which I believe is complete, are found at the beginning of line B-I, where the lower portion of four staffs are visible.