By Kenneth Hudson (auth.)
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His regular work was that of Secretary of the Local Examinations and Lectures Syndicate, which included both branches of the University's extra-mural work. ' 1835 Robert Munro 6 d. 1920 Munroe was born in Ross-shire and qualified as a doctor at the University of Edinburgh. 'After taking his medical degree, he settled down in a practice in Kilmarnock, and for a space of about twenty years led the life of a busy and successful country practitioner. When in 1877 the Ayrshire and Galloway Archaeological Society was formed, Dr Munro became one of the original members, and having previously had his attention arrested when on the Continent by the display of relics from the Swiss lake dwellings, responded immediately to an invitation to help in the excavation of Crannogs in Ayrshire undertaken by that Society under the leadership of Mr Cochran Patrick.
George Gray excavations there. Rediscovering Britain 55 large part of the credit. The Victorians of the 1870s were the first generation to be seriously faced with the always difficult task of arbitrating between the rival claims of history and tradition on the one hand and progress and a steadily improving standard of living on the other. They had to establish an acceptable balance between their new-found pride in British antiquity and their equally strong anxiety to do nothing that might halt the progress of civilisation.
For Salford, wrote a History of the Mongols and was in due course elected a Fellow of the Society of Antiquaries. 'It is the fashion now to make the age an age of specialists, but Sir Henry Howarth did not conform to that fashion. He was rather of those who, like Bacon, take all knowledge for their province, and so he was often able to suggest analogies between one subject and another which would not occur to the specialist, and it may be that much of the usefulness of his contributions to knowledge is to be traced to this fact.