By A.J. Hartley
Act of Will is a boisterous myth event that introduces us to Will Hawthorne, a medieval actor and playwright who flees the gurus basically to discover himself inextricably certain to a bunch of high-minded adventurers on a dangerous project. Will travels with them to a far off land the place they're charged with the research and defeat of a ruthless military of mystical horsemen, who seem out of the mist leaving loss of life and devastation of their wake.In the process Will's uneasy alliance together with his new protectors, he has to get his pragmatic brain to just accept selfless heroism (which he thinks is absurd) and magic (which he does not think in). Will needs to ultimately come to a decision the place his loyalties particularly lie and what kind of he's ready to do--and believe--to rise up for them.
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Rufus Rams-bottom, for example, was a lousy actor who could barely deliver a line without fumbling or dropping something, and he wasn’t a particularly good cardplayer, but he knew a cheat when he saw one, and he was looking at one right now. He had mean little eyes and a fat pink face, producing the look of a rather slow but pathologically malevolent pig. Those eyes held mine, and he wasn’t giving me an inch. “Come on, Hawthorne,” he said. ” “I doubt they’d miss you,” I said. ” This was a particular talent of Rufus’s.
Sell me this shirt,” continued Mithos. ” “Pretend you are a Cherrati merchant and—” “Oh, I see. ” I faltered, quickly deciding that to behave like a lunatic in the company of lunatics was only reasonable. I started talking, hunching up my shoulders as I had seen the extravagant Cherratis doing in the marketplace at weekends. I was quite good at things like this, worthless though they were. I tilted my head and spoke through my nose. “You! Yes, you. Did you ever see quality like this? Feel that sleeve.
J. (Andrew James) Act of Will / A. J. Hartley—1st ed. p. cm. ISBN-13: 978-0-7653-2124-4 ISBN-10: 0-7653-2124-6 1. Actors—Fiction. 2. Dramatists—Fiction. I. Title. 92—dc22 2008038364 First Edition: March 2009 Printed in the United States of America 0 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 To Chris, my brother-in-arms. ACT of WILL BY WILLIAM HAWTHORNE Translated from the Thrusian by A. J. HARTLEY Table of Contents Translator’s Preface SCENE I: Show Business SCENE II: Making an Exit SCENE III: Desperate Times SCENE IV: A New Problem SCENE V: Things Can Always Get Worse SCENE VI: The gatehouse SCENE VII: No Virtue in Almost SCENE VIII: The Wheatsheaf SCENE IX: The Road East SCENE X: Improvisation SCENE XI: Of Gorse and Wild Thyme SCENE XII: The Desert SCENE XIII: The Party Leader SCENE XIV: The Hide SCENE XV: The Cormorant SCENE XVI: Consequences SCENE XVII: A Kind of Welcome SCENE XVIII: Harsh Realities SCENE XIX: A Council Meeting SCENE XX: Beacons of Honor SCENE XXI: Stories SCENE XXII: Opening Moves SCENE XXIII: Glimpses by Firelight SCENE XXIV: Questions SCENE XXV: Seaholme SCENE XXVI: The lighthouse SCENE XXVII: The Convoy SCENE XXVIII: Chaos SCENE XXIX: The Fallen SCENE XXX: Ironwall SCENE XXXI: More Consequences SCENE XXXII: The Elixir of Sensenon SCENE XXXIII: Romance SCENE XXXIV: The Ritual SCENE XXXV: The Hopetown Road SCENE XXXVI: Investigations SCENE XXXVII: Time for a Beer SCENE XXXVIII: The Razor’s Edge SCENE XXXIX: Watching SCENE XL: The Assassins SCENE XLI: Rest in Peace SCENE XLII: The Farmhouse by the Woods SCENE XLIII: One of Them SCENE XLIV: The Raid SCENE XLV: Flight SCENE XLVI: Harvest SCENE XLVII: Alone at Last SCENE XLVIII: The Secret of the Caves SCENE XLIX: Adsine Again SCENE L: Implications SCENE LI: A Decision SCENE LII: A Different Road SCENE LIII: Back on the Horse SCENE LIV: The Gathering SCENE LV: The Enemy SCENE LVI: Desperate Times SCENE LVII: Desperate Measures SCENE LVIII: Casualties SCENE LIX: Realism SCENE LX: The Curtain Acknowledgment TRANSLATOR’S PREFACE Until a few years ago, the collection of manuscripts now known as the Hawthorne Saga had been sitting in a climate-controlled case in an obscure English library for over a century, baffling all attempts to decipher the strange language in which they were written.