By Thomas J. Kraus
After a basic advent Thomas J. Kraus issues out the price of assessing unique manuscripts for a profound wisdom of early Christianity. this is often performed with the aid of seventeen of his essays formerly released in varied journals or books now translated into English, enlarged through the present establishment of study, and set in a logical series.
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To the New Testament, to be exact to Acts 4:13 (chapter 9 ‘“Uneducated”, “ignorant”, or even “illiterate”? Aspects and Background for an Understanding of ƄƆƔƄƏƏƄƖƒƌ [and ƌƇƌƛƖƄƌ] in Acts 4:13’) and John 7:15b (chapter 10 ‘John 7:15b: “Knowing letters” and [Il]literacy’). The next two essays are only loosely connected with each other. Oxy. LXIII 4365—A Letter on Papyrus and the Reciprocal Lending of Literature Having become Apocryphal’) and a judicial obligation in the Letter to Philemon (chapter 12 ‘An Obligation from Contract Law in Philemon 19: Characteristic Style and Juridical Background’).
12 In principle, one cannot help suspecting that—as indispensable as the list of manuscripts is for textual criticism of the New Testament—this formal division into writing materials is too exclusive and other connecting lines between manuscripts have been ignored. Ernst von Dobschütz once made an attempt at introducing the two categories ‘ostraca’ and ‘talismans’,13 of which only two items survive in the present list of New Testament manuscripts: [0152] (talisman) and [0153] (ostracon), the parentheses indicating that both of them should be deleted.
Das antike Buchwesen in seinem Verhältnis zur Literatur (Aalen: Scientia, 1882). ——, Die Buchrolle in der Kunst. Archäologisch-antiquarische Untersuchungen zum antiken Buchwesen (Leipzig: Teubner, 1907). , Paläographie des römischen Altertums und des abendländischen Mittelalters (Grundlagen der Germanistik 24; Berlin: Erich Schmidt, 21986). , Das Buch in der Antike (München: Beck, 1992). , Ricerche sulla maiuscola biblica (Studi e testi papirologia 2; Firenze: Le Monnier, 1966). D. S 47; London: Institute of Classical Studies, 1987).