By Francesco ( Ed. ) Cortellini
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Its production by agriculture has certainly increased. However, that increase has been in place for at least 7000 years, since the domestication of cattle. 24 Mixing ratio of proxy CH4 (ppbv) during the last millennium, inferred from ice cores from Antarctic and Greenland (symbols). gov, Etheridge et al. (CSIRO). 2 Composition and structure 37 between oxygen and carbon dioxide, produces both methane and CO2 . For many pathways, such as anaerobic fermentation, the concentration of emitted CH4 is two to three times that of CO2 .
In the stratosphere, where CO2 dominates infrared (IR) cooling to space, temperature decreases as large as 10 K have been suggested. They, in turn, could alter other radiatively active constituents such as ozone. Distinguishing the anthropogenic component of such changes from the natural component will be essential to correctly interpret observed changes and to understand how they are likely to evolve. This is especially true for changes of regional climate, for which model projections are far less reliable than for global-mean temperature (Sec.
Through that trend, CO2 has increased by more than 20% in just half a century. The rapid increase of CO2 during the industrial era has raised concern over global warming because of the role carbon dioxide plays in trapping radiant energy near the Earth’s surface. Developed in Chap. 8, this role makes carbon dioxide a greenhouse gas. The implication to temperature of increasing CO2 was first noted by the Swedish chemist, Arrhenius (1894). For Arrhenius, global warming was, ironically, but a curiosity.