By Janis Grundspenkis, Marite Kirikova, Yannis Manolopoulos, Leonids Novickis
This publication constitutes the completely refereed past-workshop court cases of the linked Workshops and the Doctoral Consortium held as satellite tv for pc occasions of ADBIS 2009, the thirteenth East eu convention on Advances in Databases and data platforms in Riga, Latvia, in September 2009.
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When inner pentagon is completed then first cycle is finished. The agent colour, form or activities are not critical for filling the inner pentagon that is random process. During the simulation cycle also some audio information is announced. Some information can be depicted on the desktop also in written form. Modelling cycle continues 8-10 seconds. After 2 seconds the next cycle begins. At the end of simulation succeeds the interview with the trainee about his impressions from the simulation game int.
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