By Rodolfo Paoletti, Dr. David Kritchevsky
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X 18,000. , 1969, reproduced by permission of the authors and the Editor of Science; copyright, 1969, by the American Association for the Advancement of Science). 46 O. STEIN AND Y. STEIN storage droplet of liver and adipose tissue. Some label was seen also over mitochondria, which are the site of enzymes active in the conversion of cholesterol to pregnenolone. Another study dealing with cholesterol metabolism in the adrenal (Nussdorfer and Mazzocchi, 1969), was concerned with the roles of different types of cells in the zona reticularis.
0 μ sections coated with liquid emulsion, the radioautographic reaction was clearly localized to granular pneumocytes and there was no concentration of label over other cell types, or over material in the alveoli. Those findings did not support the contention that the surfactant is produced by Clara cells and phagocytosed by granular pneumocytes (Niden, 1967) but rather indicated that the latter are the source of the surfactant. Two days after intraperitoneal injection of cholesterol-l,2- 3 H, electron microscopic autoradiographs demonstrated that the labeled cholesterol was distributed throughout many cells in the lung and was heavily associated with the lipid vacuoles of the septal cells in the alveolar walls.
Stein and Stein, 1969, reproduced by permission of the Editor of/. ) 36 O. STEIN AND Y. STEIN Light and Electron Microscopic Radioautography ofLipids 37 droplet," larger in size and devoid of membrane. The radioautographic reaction 7 minutes after incubation at 37° was related in part to the matrix droplets (Fig. 20). Since the other grains were seen over elements of the endoplasmic reticulum, which contained the intracisternal droplets, one might interpret these results as indicating that the fatty acids absorbed at 0° can participate in the formation of esterified lipid which appears in droplet form, on rewarming of the tissue to 37°.