By M L Anson; Kenneth Bailey; John T Edsall
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It should be pointed out that, although this conclusion is qualitatively correct, the quantitative interpretation of these experiments is not strictly accurate, because the amino acid analyses then available for the relevant proteins are now known to have been considerably in error. ,1949) and 2% (Gordon, Semmett, and Bender, 1950), respectively. 3 g. 5 g. of this amino acid. 2 g. glycine. 2 g. per day and the amount of body protein synthesized daily was therefore approximately 200 mg. per rat.
The relatively small amount of glycine carbon excreted as urea is due to equilibration of the urea carbon with respiratory carbon dioxide and the consequent dilution of specific radioactivity. The urinary hippuric acid, glycine, and creatinine, which are directly derived from the body glycine, have a high specific radioactivity and thus contribute more to the total radioactive carbon in the urine than the urea, although the amounts excreted are relatively small. The total urinary elimination of radioactivity from 2-C14-glycine has been measured over periods of up to 200 days in man (Berlin, Tolbert, and Lee, 1953), when 12 % was excreted compared with 86 % in the respiratory carbon dioxide.
R. V. ARNSTEIN than one mechanism exists and that the pathway used depends partly on the microorganism and partly on the available carbon source. One of these pathways may be similar to, or identical with, that by which serine and glycine are synthesized in the animal, but the available evidence is too scanty to permit any definite conclusions. VI. GLYCINEAS AN INTERMEDIATE IN THE BIOSYNTHESIS OF PHYSIOLOGICALLY IMPORTANT COMPOUNDS In recent years it has become abundantly clear that extremely simple substances are often used for the biosynthesis of the many complex molecules found in living organisms (see Bentley, 1948).