By Eri Banno
This can be a general textbook for starting jap masking the 4 simple talents - analyzing, writing, listening and conversing. Genki I covers classes 1 to twelve. Japanese/English
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In written Japanese, the uncontracted form is more common; thus, the above sentence more likely appears in writing as Yamada sαn 卸α gakusee de卸α αrzmasen. affirmative: negative: (X は) (X は) y です。 y じ ゃ あ り ません。 X is Y X 岱 not Y --_ね/_よ Statements often end with the tags ne or yo, depending on the way the speaker views the interaction with the listener. ") could be added. リ ー さ ん の せ ん も ん は ぶんが く ですね。 senmon wa Rii san n o こ れ は に く じ ゃ あ り ま せ んね。 Kore wa Ms. Lee, your 慨αJor is literαture, righ t?
Here we ,yill learn to use dore in sentences like: どれですか。 Dore desu ka. 日Thich one is it (that yOll are tαlking αboutJ? 第 E嗣 18 In this lesson, \ye will not explore the full extent to ,yhich the \yord dore can be put to use, because there is a slight complication ,yith question \yords like dore. rords like dore and 1lalli cannot be follo,,'ed by the particle wa. Instead, you must use the particle ga and say: ど れ が あ な た の ぺ ン で すか。 Dore ga anata no pen desu ka. s i your pen? o この/その/あの/どの + noun If you want to be slightly more specific than kore , sore, and are, you can use kono, sono, and αno together with a noun.
Sanzengohyaku en desu ka. Since dono is a question word, just like dore discussed above, we cannot use the particle ωα with it; we must use gα. ④ | 険会話 文法編 To summarize: こ れ (は-) それ (は-) あれ (は-) どれ (が-) o この noun その noun あの noun どの noun (はー) (は-) (は-) (が-) close to the person speaking close to the person listening far from both people unknown だれの noun すh で叫 んι h ,刀 k ・ 叩ω の一 叩け れE . 1 α 白 a L --一 d れ 陀ω一 こ LM 阪一 》刀 副 ギ品 リb・ 北 p 衣h 一 一 YO 立 川 陀 一 In Lesson 1, we learned how to say things like Mωrzz s仰 no denwa bangoo (Mary's phone number) and TIαkeshi san no okααsαn (Takeshi's mother).