By J. F. Bense Lit. Ph. D. (auth.)
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Example text
Though it is not known in what particular localities all the 14th century Flemish and Dutch weavers settled, yet in addition to some documentary evidence, there are indications of likely settlements. It is very probable that the wool-growing districts attracted a fair number, and that they may be connected with the centres of the clothing trade in various parts of the country, so that it is no matter of surprise to hear that at first the manufacture of woollen clothwas pretty equally distributed over the country 6 ).
Other indications id eis sine dilatione faciatis emendari. es Iiteras nostras de protectione fieri facere debere. In cujus &c. n XXIII die Julii. (A. I. 105 note '). 2 ) Ibid. 112·3; Monk 68. 1 ) A. I. 107. ') A. I. 107. ; I. C. I. 306. Edw. III. III. p. 1m. 6. in Turr. London. Deprotectione pro alienigenis; operariis lanarum & panorum. Rex universis & singulis, admirallis, vice comitibus, ballivis, ministris, & omnibus fidelibus suis, tarn infra libertates quam extra, ad quos &c. salutem. Sciatis quod, cum Leffynus de Ho land; Johannes de Hilford, Lesinus de Neuhone, Willielmus Favehales, Gerardus Isaac, Petrus Hundrepere, Bondanus de Thornek, Johannes de Overnulle, Nieholaus Undrechapel, Johannes de Batherne, Comelius Hus, Johannes de Seintylace, johannes Bishop, Cornelius Storthyn, & Gosinus Cornhilswait, ac quidam alii operarii Janarum ac pannorum, cum hominibus & servientibus suis, de partibus Selandüe, infra regnum nostrum Anglire, juxta avisamenturn & consilium quorumdam fidelium nostrorum, pro lanis ibidem operandis & misterä alias suä in eodem regno excercendä, in proximo, ut accepimus, sint venturi; Nos, securitati ipsorum operariorum, & omrnum aliorum, infra regnum nostrum praedictum, ex causä praedictä, venire volentium, valentes providere; Suscepimus ipsos, ac eorum hornirres & servientes, necnon eorum bona qurecumque, in protectionem & defensionem nostram specialem, necnon in salvum & seenrum conductum nostrum in veniendo infra regnum nostrum, ibidem morando, & lanas operando, & misteram suam alias excercendo: Et ideo vobis mandamus, quod, &c.
Thus they contributed much towards the fusion between the races 6 ), and the Flemings among them, like the wea vers and agriculturallabourers, must have been absorbed in the English nation. A kind of industrial organization with which the Flemings on the continent had long been familiar, was introduced by Flemings into England and led to the establishment in the 12th century of weavers' -, bakers'- and fullers' gilds. Baking, like brewing and laundry-work, and the trades of carpenter, smith, saddler and shoemaker had been household occupations before the Conquest, just as homespun cloth had been woven by the women of the household, but had not been an article of trade 7).