By Ismet Binark
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Ankara), 22/4 (19951996), pp. 109-121. KoçaĢ, Sadi: Tarih Boyunca Ermeniler ve Türk Ermeni İlişkileri. Ankara, 1967. Kodaman, Bayram: "Ermeni Meselesinin DoğuĢ Sebepleri". Türk Kültürü, 219 (March-April 1981), pp. 240-249. Tarihi Gelişmeler İçinde Türkiyenin Sorunları Sempozyumu (Ankara, March 8-9 1990), pp. 59-63. Krayblis, Nikerled: Rusya'nın Şark Siyaseti ve Vilayet-i Şarkiyye Meselesi. Translated by the Habil Adem. Ġstanbul, 1332. (Ottoman Turkish) Kuran, Ercüment: "Ermeni Meselesinin Milletlerarasi Boyutu".
Insensates, come back to reason," they replied to me: "For the love of God, do not prevent us. " There was a very great excitement in the town; everyone was running about. Cries of children, and lamentations of Turkish women, were heard everywhere in the town. The Armenian soldiers were walking about in groups in the town, and were continually forcing open the doors of Turkish houses. Finally, came the terrible night that shook the spirit of desolation. The blood congea's at the thought of the horror of this night.
Published by the Harbiye Nezareti. Ġstanbul, 1919. (Translated into Turkish: Halil Kemal Turkozu (Erdal liter): Osmanlı ve Sovyet Belgeleriyle Ermeni Mezalimi. Ankara, 1983). İttihad ve Terakki Kongresi. 1332 Senesi. Ġstanbul, 1332. (Ottoman Turkish) (Karabekir), Kazım: Birinci Kafkas Kolordusu'nun 1918 Yılındaki Hareketleri ve Gördüklerim. (General Harbord Başkanlığındaki Amerikan Heyetine Verilen Rapor Suretidir). Erzurum, 1335. (Ottoman Turkish) Kırzıoğlu, Fahrettin: Kars ili ve Çevresinde Ermeni Mezalimi (19181920).