By Underwood J.L.
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K KHEF. ) Arabic slang, one's soul. action of doing nothing. to loaf happily, The KINDNESS. to invite larger half of the other boy's apple. The KING. card that takes the Queen. A young lady one is on kissing KISMATE. terms with. KISMET. Originally kiss met, meaning Good Luck. A course of procedure, cunningly devised, for the mutual stoppage of speech at a moment when words are Kiss. superfluous. KISSING. See under mustache. time of the unmarried. KNEE. An A pas- adjustable, animated settee designed for the use of ladies.
FLIRTATION. A way for two people, who are not married to each other, to pass the time. As a matter of fact a flirtation isn't anything, it's a thing to do and is really easier to do than to describe. There are many sorts of Flirta- tion. The Every-day tation is or Sidewalk Flirkind. Other are the forms Eye, the very popular the the Glove, the Fan, Eyebrow, and the Foot Flirtation. Handkerchief, natural attribute to woman, but an the commonest A easily acquired FOREVER. accomplishment in man. Love's promissory note (sub- ject to discount).
LOVE. A transitory derangement of all The chemistry of atthe five senses. traction. LURE. Cupid's safe to follow. signposts, not always They may be found many and fantastic shapes, such bow of ribbon, a stray ringlet, a in as a side- long glance, a sigh, or a breath of heliotrope. M so ancient that no one really knows where is came from. However, because of the fragment of the jar shown here (see cut), it found just outside the Garden of Eden and representing two outsiders bargaining, the origin of this letter has been credited to the Hebrews, and is interesting in showing the politeness of these early people.