By Zhuyao Zhang, R. A. Farrar
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As 600 CD a. 1 1 100 1,000 10 Time (800-500°C), z a.. as:J 600 ~ CD c. cD :l +-' ca ... 600 a. as~ L- L- CD a. 600 E {! 1 1 10 100 Dilatometry 1000 10000 Time, sec (t) fI) 500 Q)z Co.. as:5 600 CD c. 1 I Cooling rate • Dilatometry aOO-50O e o Metallography D 0 ~_----, \2°C/sec 10 1 100 1000 Time, sec 500 tI) tI) CUz 250 CQ.
Jas ~ Q) AF-+~ 600 0- E {E. •. ----------------------, Austenitised: 1350°C 1Osee Grain size: approx. 100pm 1,000 800 ~ 0 a> •.. :J as•.. Q) PF AF7' ° 600 Q. E {! S8%) MIG weld (source: Bannister") An Atlas of CCT Diagrams Applicable to Low Carbon Low Alloy Weld Metals 1,200~--------------------------------~ Austenitised: 1350°C 10see Grain size: approx. 100J,lm 1,000 ~ 800~ 0 0 ~ 0) :; as 600~ CD a. AF~ *-. -*-"T E {! 30 % ) MIG weld (source: Bannister") 27 28 An Atlas of CCT Diagrams Applicable to Low Carbon Low Alloy Weld Metals 1,200~--------------------------------~ Austenitised: 1350°C 10see Grain size: approx.
600 E t! 2S%) TIG weld (source: Zhang22) 10000 An Atlas of CCT Diagrams Applicable to Low Carbon Low Alloy Weld Metals 1,200~------------------------------~ 1,000 800 0 ° a> :s as'- PF+FSP 600 Q) a. E fE. A. 92 1000 800 o o cD :; ~ CD 0. 1 1 10 100 • Dilatometry o Metallography 1000 10000 Time, sec (/I (/I 4Iz CQ. ~:J~ «1 CD c. •... as 600 CD a. 1 1 100 1,000 10 Time (800-500°C), z a.. as:J 600 ~ CD c. cD :l +-' ca ... 600 a. as~ L- L- CD a. 600 E {! 1 1 10 100 Dilatometry 1000 10000 Time, sec (t) fI) 500 Q)z Co..