By American Water Works Association.; American National Standards Institute
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I was merely goading my pupils and myself on to feel that we must do something to help set aright the things wrong in the world . When I became emotional in my talks it was because I was angered at those who had money without working for it and who did not help to lessen the increasing misery of the working population . There were lighter moments in my days, of course . We met for parties and good talk and sometimes went to the bistros of that era of prohibition . Once I took one of the elderly professors at Hunter to a speakeasy, partly as a lark and partly as a kindness, thinking to show her life .
In one class I sat next to a young man named Samuel Di Falco who is now a Supreme Court judge . He used to find fault with me for scribbling poetry in my notebook when I should have been working on cases . Ruth also found fault with my preoccupation with other things than the law . For it was true that while the substance of the law intrigued me, because it was a reflection 48 of the past of society which helped me to understand the present, I was not interested in legal procedure, which I felt was intended to preserve an outmoded status quo.
One evening that summer I stayed at home with the children . After some time I saw that Hadassah, who had been trying to go to sleep, had begun to cry for no apparent reason . She was a detached sort of child and I thought she did not like me, but now she let me hold her hand as I talked quietly to comfort her . It was obvious she did not know why she was crying, but when she looked up at me the dark eyes full of tears seemed older than those of a little girl and there was an odd fear in the way she sat close to me and wept .