By Matt Doyle
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2. Write a script that creates a variable and assigns an integer value to it, then adds 1 to the variable’s value three times, using a different operator each time. Display the final result to the user. Write a script that creates two variables and assigns a different integer value to each variable. Now make your script test whether the first value is a. b. c. d. equal to the second value greater than the second value less than or equal to the second value not equal to the second value and output the result of each test to the user.
You can run PHP in a few other ways. The following sections take a quick look at them. 22 Chapter 2: Your First PHP Script Running PHP with other Web Servers As mentioned earlier in the chapter, you’re not limited to running PHP with Apache. It’s also possible to run it with Microsoft’s Internet Information Server (IIS) on Windows, as well as with other Web servers such as Zeus. A common setup is to use PHP with IIS running on Windows. NET on the same Web server. You can install PHP as either an ISAPI module, which means it can integrate directly with IIS, or as a stand-alone CGI binary.
Incrementing /Decrementing Operators Oftentimes it’s useful to add or subtract the value 1 (one) over and over. This situation occurs so frequently — for example, when creating loops — that special operators are used to perform this task: the increment and decrement operators. They are written as two plus signs or two minus signs, respectively, preceding or following a variable name, like so: ++$x; $x++; –-$x; $x–-; 44 // // // // Adds one to $x and then returns the result Returns $x and then adds one to it Subtracts one from $x and then returns the result Returns $x and then subtracts one from it Chapter 3: PHP Language Basics The location of the operators makes a difference.