By Jan Bloomaert
Within the box of language reports, a frequently forgotten zone is that of people’s perceptions of language: what counts as language for audio system, and what doesn’t. This lecture engages in a few reflections on how awareness to that box of perceptions alterations our view of language studying and language capabilities.
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In C. Mar-Molinero and P. Stevenson (eds), Language Ideologies, Policies and Practices, 177–190. London: Palgrave. Verdoolaege, A. (2007) The South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission: Deconstruction of a multilayered reconciliation discourse. Amsterdam: John Benjamins. Vertovec, S. (2006) ‘The emergence of super-diversity in Britain’ Oxford University Centre on Migration, Policy and Society Working Paper 25. 38 bernstein-01-c 18/10/07 16:39 Page 39 The Institute of Education Professorial Lecture series Inaugural lectures by professors at the Institute of Education include the following titles.
In text (1), the pupil focuses strongly on the disciplinary aspects of being a teacher, and we can assume that the remarks about a neat class, bad smells and unwashed pupils have their origins in the pupil’s current negative experience of being in class: her class is probably not a good one for her. The same applies to the author of text (2): ‘children that will listen to me every day’ must refer to experiences of unruly classes where children do not listen to the teacher – hence the modal ‘would like’.
Thus, we hear an epistemic voice, a particular articulation of knowledge, clearly regimented in a genre format: that of truncated, coordinated, symmetrical ordering. We see more. If we turn to the two first examples and look more closely at the particular poetic organisation of both texts, we see some more informative distinctions. 1. I want to be a teacher I want to hit the children who are rude in my class I will never be a bad teacher to the children in my class. I want a neat class. I want no bad smells in my class I want the children to wash every day I want to be a good teacher 26 ⇐ ⇐ ⇐ bernstein-01-c 18/10/07 16:39 Page 27 Bernstein and poetics revisited 2.