By I. Cibulka, J.-C. Fontaine, K. Sosnkowska-Kehiaian, H. V. Kehiaian (auth.)
Vapor-liquid equilibrium facts, warmth of combining (excess enthalpies), and volumetric houses of structures are required for either the functions in layout of business technological tactics and the knowledge the constitution and the intermolecular interactions within the platforms. at the foundation of classical thermodynamics the measured experimental information mixed jointly allow us the calculation of non-measurable thermodynamic houses major for the technological calculations. the current quantity is a compilation of experimental and derived estate facts on subcritical binary homogeneous (single-phase) or heterogeneous (two-phase) liquid–liquid combinations. all of the elements are well-defined natural ingredients, that are natural nonelectrolytes and water. the current quantity is split into 3 subvolumes (A, B, C). 800 consultant facts units that conceal every kind of homes and chemical platforms are chosen for Subvolume A. whereas Subvolume B contains 1032 facts units for binary combos containing one or hydrocarbons, Subvolume C is supplying 1014 info units for non-hydrocarbon binary mixtures.
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1007/978-3-642-23277-0_3 ©Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012 Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/26B Property Groups and Property Types 1 Property Groups and Property Types Property Group E: Vapor-Liquid Equilibrium in Mixtures and Solutions Property Types EVLM1111 Property Type State Parameters Variables Method EVLM1112 Property Type State Parameters Variables Method EVLM1121 Property Type State Parameters Variables Method EVLM1131 Property Type State Parameters Variables Method Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/26B Example: LB5630_E, Vol.
IV/13A1, p. 2-198 EVLM1341 Property Code State Parameters Variables Method [EVLM1341] VAPOR-LIQUID EQUILIBRIUM IN MIXTURES AND SOLUTIONS Two-component system, single-phase liquid in equilibrium with vapor Pure component 1, liquid in equilibrium with vapor Pure component 2, liquid in equilibrium with vapor x1/Mole fraction of component 1 in liquid phase P/Pa Pressure T/K Temperature Direct measurement of T at variable P and constant x1 Example: LB4216, Vol. IV/13A2, p. 2-78 EVLM1411 Property Code State Variables Method [EVLM1411] VAPOR-LIQUID EQUILIBRIUM IN MIXTURES AND SOLUTIONS Two-component system, single-phase liquid or two-phase liquid-liquid in equilibrium with vapor Pure component 1, liquid in equilibrium with vapor Pure component 2, liquid in equilibrium with vapor T/K Temperature x1/Mole fraction of component 1 in liquid phase P/Pa Pressure Direct measurement of P at variable T and x1 Example: LB3285, Vol.
2-97 EVLM1421 Property Code State Variables Method [EVLM1421] VAPOR-LIQUID EQUILIBRIUM IN MIXTURES AND SOLUTIONS Two-component system, single-phase liquid or two-phase liquid-liquid in equilibrium with vapor Pure component 1, liquid in equilibrium with vapor Pure component 2, liquid in equilibrium with vapor T/K Temperature y1/Mole fraction of component 1 in vapor phase P/Pa Pressure Direct measurement of P at variable T and y1 Example: LB4014, Vol. IV/13A2, p. 1007/978-3-642-23277-0_4 ©Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2012 Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/26B Property Groups and Property Types 5 Property Group H: Heat of Mixing and Solution Property Types HMSD1111 Property Code State Parameters Variables Method HMSD1121 Property Code State Parameters Variables Method HMSD1131 Property Code State Parameters Variables Method HMSD1141 Property Code State Parameters Variables Method HMSD1151 Property Code State Variables Method Landolt-Börnstein New Series IV/26B Example: LB4007_H, Vol.