By O.A. Jones (Eds.)
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These species inhabit open cavities on the surface of a wide variety of corals, although most individual species seem to inhabit only a single coral family. The cavities range from "dens" raised above the surface of the coral to cylindrical pits extending down into the skeleton to shallow depressions between polyps to spaces within large polyps in which the crab is nearly covered by folds of coral tissue. Males and females inhabit separate cavities. Cavity formation is evidently initiated by the crab remaining in one place on the coral until the underlying tissue is killed.
M. J. ( 1970). Mar. Biol. 6, 12. Woolacott, L. (1955). Proc. Roy. Soc. W, p. 79. Yonge, C. M. ( 1967). Proc. Malacol. Soc. London 37, 311. Yonge, C. M. (1930). Sei. Rep. Gt. Barrier Reef Exped. 1, 13. Yonge, C. M. (1963). In "Mechanisms of Hard Tissue Destruction," Publ. No. 75, pp. 1-24. Amer. Ass. Advan. C. Yonge, C. , and Nicholls, A. G. (1930). Sei. Rep Gt. Barrier Reef Exped. 1, 59 Zullo, V. A. (1961). Veliger 4, 71. 2 SHRIMPS AND PRAWNS OF CORAL REEFS, WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE TO COMMENSALISM A.
Citrinus associated with a cluster of eggs attached to an algal patch. This patch was at the base of a branch near the center of an Acropora colony and was surrounded by a raised lip of living coral. A few of the colonies that I have seen containing Gobiodon had similar algal patches within them, although the great majority did not. Tyler ( 1971 ) found that a single pair of a Gobiodon was present on a given coral colony to the exclusion of other pairs of the same species. The various fish species did not seem to prefer certain species of Acropora, while G.