By Lucia Raatma
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New York: rosen Central, 2008. Groves, marsha. Inventing the Computer. new York: Crabtree Publishing, 2007. mcLeese, Don. The Internet and Email. vero Beach, FL: rourke Publishing, 2009. com talk to your parents about using this popular site to create a family blog that you can contribute to. mspx read some good advice about blogging. com/dogeared/ this blog is all about great books for kids. i n no vati o n i n e n te r ta i n m e n t 32 Barger, Jorn, 7 Blogger application, 11, 26 Boing Boing blog, 26 books, 9, 15, 26 business blogs, 5, 16 comments, 4, 12, 14, 15, 16 Conyers, John, 29 Cusack, John, 29 The Daily Dish blog, 27 diaries, 4, 24, 25 education blogs, 19 e-mails, 14 fact-checking, 11, 12 Google, 11, 26 Hall, Justin, 7, 25 health blogs, 17, 19 Hourihan, meg, 11, 26 Huffington, arianna, 17, 29 Huffington Post blog, 17, 29 hyperlinks, 6 ims (instant messages), 14 internet, 5–6, 8, 9, 11, 17, 25, 26, 27 mcCain, John, 17 merholz, Peter, 7–8 micro-blogging, 22, 24 number of blogs, 8, 22 obama, Barack, 17 o’Donnell, rosie, 29 online journals, 7, 20–21 organization, 8, 19 Jardin, Xeni, 26 journalists, 22, 25, 26 journals, 4, 24 personal information, 17, 24 political blogs, 5, 17, 27, 29 publishing, 9 Pyra Labs, 11, 26 lifestreaming, 24 linking, 7, 11, 14, 17 rSS (really simple syndication), 14, 26 Scripting News blog, 26 search engines, 11, 13 SoaP, 26 social networking sites, 24 Sullivan, andrew, 17, 27, 29 tagging, 13–14 thomas, rob, 29 trackback application, 14 travel blogs, 16 twitter, 22, 26 war blogs, 22 weblogs, 7, 8 Web pages, 6, 7 Williams, evan, 11, 26 Winer, Dave, 26 word origin, 7–8 XmL format, 26 About the Author Lucia Raatma has written dozens of books for young readers.
Arianna Huffington (1950–) is a columnist and author who founded the Huffington Post. This Web site features blog posts written by Huffington and many others. Some of the bloggers include comedian Rosie O’Donnell, actor John Cusack, musician Rob Thomas, and Congressman John Conyers. The site was launched in 2005. It has been called one of the most powerful blogs in the world. Some sources estimate that the site receives more than 4 million visitors each month. i n no vati o n i n e n te r ta i n m e n t 30 hyperlinks (HYe-pur-linx) words or pictures on Web pages that, when clicked, connect users to other Web sites IMs (eYe-emz) short for instant messages, notes that people send to one another in real time on the internet keyword (Kee-wurd) a word used to search for information on the internet lifestreaming (LYFe-streem-ing) a kind of blog that is like a timeline of a person’s life micro-blogging (mY-kroh BLoG-ing) posting short updates about what a person is doing, usually consisting of short text messages rSS (ar-ess-ess) short for really simple syndication or rich site summary, a format that summarizes the latest updates from Web sites search engines (SUrCH en-juhnz) internet tools used to find information about specific topics tagging (taG-ing) adding keywords to a blog post.
Arianna Huffington (1950–) is a columnist and author who founded the Huffington Post. This Web site features blog posts written by Huffington and many others. Some of the bloggers include comedian Rosie O’Donnell, actor John Cusack, musician Rob Thomas, and Congressman John Conyers. The site was launched in 2005. It has been called one of the most powerful blogs in the world. Some sources estimate that the site receives more than 4 million visitors each month. i n no vati o n i n e n te r ta i n m e n t 30 hyperlinks (HYe-pur-linx) words or pictures on Web pages that, when clicked, connect users to other Web sites IMs (eYe-emz) short for instant messages, notes that people send to one another in real time on the internet keyword (Kee-wurd) a word used to search for information on the internet lifestreaming (LYFe-streem-ing) a kind of blog that is like a timeline of a person’s life micro-blogging (mY-kroh BLoG-ing) posting short updates about what a person is doing, usually consisting of short text messages rSS (ar-ess-ess) short for really simple syndication or rich site summary, a format that summarizes the latest updates from Web sites search engines (SUrCH en-juhnz) internet tools used to find information about specific topics tagging (taG-ing) adding keywords to a blog post.