By Artur Yusupov
Popular chess instructor and grandmaster Artur Yusupov maintains his whole process chess development. Yusupov's earlier books have confirmed well liked by chess coaches worldwide, who use the assessments on their students - reduce out the intermediary and skim Yusupov direct. advance Your Chess 1 is a part of a nine-book process 3 sequence each one of 3 books. The sequence are building up your Chess, enhance your Chess and Chess Evolution. each one sequence starts off with the basics, then the chess point raises in past the fundamentals, and culminates in Mastery. Yusupov publications the reader in the direction of a better point of chess figuring out utilizing rigorously chosen positions and suggestion. This new realizing is then established by way of a sequence of puzzles.
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Example text
1-0 Ex. Selezniev Ex. ~h6! Flohr (1 point) Targeting the weakness on h7; the threat is g6. 1. h5 1-0 Prague 1928 The white pieces are not well posted. Black exploits the opportunity for a rapid attack via the dark squares. 1.. iM! (1 point) Ex. :9:c210ses to 2 ... :9:cl loses 2 ... id2t. :9:e3 is followed by 2 ... :9:xf4! id6t-+. ib8 hh4? Black should have preferred S... g6 We6-+. ie5? Wh3! fS gxfS (8 ... Wh4 with counterplay. 7 ... fS xe5 0-1 ~ to Berlin 1928 1. ttJf4! (1 point) Black wants to attack the c3-pawn and brings his knight to e2.
Is refuted by 7 ... Wxf2 Wxh7-+. 7 ... ~d3! Now White brings his reserves into the game. The 35 Positional play 1 threat is l"i:f3 and with the f2-pawn protected, l"i:xh7 would again be an option. hf2t The best try. @xf2 a4 Diagram 4-2 Black is hoping that his passed pawn on the queens ide will give him some counterplay. But even without queens, White can attack the weakened castled position. e2! g4 and then l"i:dh3 or l"i:xh7 with mate to follow. ~xh7 ~xf6t 17 ... exf6 Here the rook will not find it difficult to deal with the black pawns.
H6? ~f8t?? would be wrong, because of 2 ... ± you could always earn 1 consolation point. ~xe7 White 'just' gets a winning ending. But the move in the game is clearly stronger. White can deliver mate in five moves. ~f8t (1 point) 3 ... ~g8t! lLld5# (another 1 point) Ex. ih6! (another 1 point) 2 ... ~d5#. 4 ... ~f8# Moscow 1967 Here too, White has a forced mate. ~d8#. 5 ... ~d7t Ex. ~xg7t! ~xa4? =. 1... ~xg7 2. ~xb8t± 52 Solutions Ex. '1xa7t?! '1xd1 g6~. '1d7t (1 point) also wins, but in a much more complicated way: 1.