By Emma Sargent
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Isabella apologised to her mother for behaving so badly and they both agreed that it must not happen again. The future They started to think about what they wanted to happen in relation to getting dressed and going out. Summary In this chapter you’ve thought about the situations that you enjoy and the ones you like less; the states you get into, positive and negative, and what triggers those states; and you have considered ideas for making changes. You have hopefully gained a better awareness of yourself.
Will I lose anything that I have now? ’ These consequences play a huge role in our motivation to reach our goal. If the consequences are not compelling for us, we don’t feel motivated to take action. If we actively think through all the consequences, in this case of becoming a brilliant parent, we will be highly motivated to take action and make the changes we need to. The consequences of becoming a brilliant parent are far reaching – lasting way beyond your lifetime. Making sure that you can take action yourself We are only responsible for our own behaviour.
Children need We need to strive for consistency, consistency in their even though it can sometimes feel to feel safe and like an uphill battle. Children need emotionally secure consistency in their lives to feel safe and emotionally secure. The world is a scary enough place without us adding to it at home. QXP:M02_SARG4933_01_SE_C02 18 22/5/09 14:49 Page 18 brilliant parent The starting point is to become aware of what we are currently like as parents, good and bad; then to decide how we want to be as parents and equip ourselves to keep focused on that and maintain it.