By National Research Council (U. S.), Climate Review Panel
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The preceding discussion clearly illustrates the complex nature of the surface energy budget and the dangers involved in inferring global climate sensitivity from local surface observations. However, empirical methods of The real value of empirical studies is that they are necessary to verify the behavior of climate models. promising empirical method has been proposed by Cess (1976), who obtains sensitivity inferring sensitivity are appealing. A estimates from the latitudinal gradient in annually and zonally averaged radiation budgets as obtained from satellite radiation measurements and obtains surface-temperature responses consistent with climate-model studies.
2. The curves show the rise in ocean-surface temperature in the tropics and in the subpolar regions (45-60 of atmospheric a rise of about of time after a hypothetical doubling After 1500 years, equilibrium has been reached, with and in subpolar regions. After 5 years, latitude) as a function CO 2 . 2C in the tropics 4C Principal Scientific Issues in Modeling Studies the temperature in the tropics has risen significantly 29 about 50 percent toward the equilibrium value, but thereafter the rise is much slower, being 80 percent complete after 100 years.
Revelle and Suess (1957) termed man-made injection of CO 2 a "large-scale geophysical experiment," and the President's Science Advisory Committee (1965) report, Restoring the Quality of Our Environment, highlighted the CO 2 problem and its potential consequences for the Antarctic Ice Cap. S. scientists at the Study of Critical Environmental Problems (SCEP, 1970), held in preparation for the 1972 United Nations Conference on the Human Environment. This group strongly stated its concern over the potential effects CO 2 on climate and urged continuing study of the problem and monitoring of atmospheric SCEP prompted a more detailed review of the potential 2 for inadvertent climate modification resulting from a wide range of human of CO .