By Ben Goertzel
This publication summarizes a community of interrelated rules which i've got constructed, on and off, during the last 8 or ten years. The underlying subject is the mental interaction of order and chaos. Or, to place it in a different way, the interaction of deduction and induction. i'll try and clarify the connection among logical, orderly, awake, rule-following cause and fluid, self organizing, habit-governed, subconscious, chaos-infused instinct. My earlier books, The constitution of Intelligence and The Evolving brain, in brief touched in this dating. yet those books have been basically desirous about different concerns: SI with developing a proper language for discussing mentality and its mechanization, and EM with exploring the function of evolution in notion. They danced round the edges of the order/chaos challenge, with out ever absolutely getting into it. My target in penning this publication was once to move on to the center of psychological strategy, "where angels worry to tread" -- to take on the entire sticky matters which it really is thought of prudent to prevent: the character of recognition, the relation among brain and fact, the justification of trust structures, the relationship among creativity and psychological illness,.... All of those concerns are handled right here in a simple and unified means, utilizing a mix of innovations from my prior paintings with rules from chaos conception and intricate structures science.
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The most plausible hypothesis, as pointed out in The Structure of Intelligence, is as follows: one subnetwork is swapped with another; or else subnetwork A is merely copied into the place of subnetwork B. All else equal, substitution will tend to take place in those regions where associativity is worse; but there may also be certain subnetworks that are protected against having their sub-subnetworks removed or replaced. If the substitution(s) obtained by swapping or copying are successful, in the sense of improving associativity, then the new networks formed will tend not to be broken up.
I claim the answer is yes. 1. THE PERCEPTUAL-MOTOR HIERARCHY My hypothesis is a simple one: every mind is a superposition of two structures: a structurally associative memory (also called "heterarchical network") and a multilevel control hierarchy ("perceptual-motor hierarchy" or "hierarchical network"). Both of these structures are defined in terms of their action on certain patterns. By superposing these two distinct structures, the mind combines memory, perception and control in a creative an effective way.
Where U is a universal Turing machine understood to input and output potentially infinite binary sequences, and x is a finite binary sequence, it may be defined as follows: PATTERN AND INFORMATION 17 Definition: The algorithmic information I(x) contained in x is the length of the shortest self-delimiting program for computing x on U given the (infinite) input string ... 000... delimiting program is, roughly speaking, a program which explicitly specifies its own length; this restriction to self-delimiting programs is desirable for technical reasons which we need not go into here (Chaitin, 1974).