By Daniel Lucas
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13. Nxe5 Instead, after 13. Qe2! Qb6 14. Nxe5 cxd4 15. Qf3! f5 16. Bg5 White attains a winning position. 24 Chess Life — June 2009 13. cxd4 14. cxd4 Be7 15. Qe2 0-0 16. f3 Nf6 17. Qxb5 Rb8 r + rk+ +lp lppp + q n + +Q+ N + + P + + + + +P+ PN+ +PP R L R K After 17. Rb8 Black is down a pawn, but he main tains two bishops and has nothing to worry about. The b pawn remains a tar get and Black now has the initiative. 18. Qe2 Rfe8 19. b4 Nd5 20. Bd2 Bh4 21. g3 f6 22. gxh4 Also possible is 22. Qe4 Bg5 23.
Rg8 and Black won a short time later. This meant that Ben Gershenov joined Moon as a co champion. Congratulations to both of them on this phenomenal accomplishment. Ben's team, the Solomon Schechter School from Westchester, New York (Ben Gershenov, Michael Bodek, Max Steinberg, Alexander Reis) won the team competition. The K 9 Under 1250 section had three co champions: Ruben Garcia (Bainbridge Island, Washington), Graham Connors (Chantilly, Virginia) and Imanol Aven dano (St. Paul, Minnesota). Avendano's team, Capitol Hill of St.
One of the many nice stories of the tournament was the team from Blue Ridge High School from Lakeside, Arizona that finished eighth in this section. The coach Jeff Robinson started the club merely three years ago and it took off very nicely and gained popularity among kids who enjoyed other activities. In fact, one of the football players would skip football prac tice in favor of attending the chess club! This was the team’s first nationals and for many youngsters this was the first time on the airplane.