By F. Lanier Graham
No video game HAS see you later and wealthy a background as
chess; extra has been written approximately it than
any different online game. interestingly, despite the fact that, little
has been written approximately chesspieces. This
profusely illustrated quantity explores the
evolution and improvement of the "tools" of
the nice online game from the 5th via the
twentieth century. F. Lanier Graham, Assistant
Curator, division of Architecture
and layout of The Museum of Morlern
Art, offers a historical past of chess via his
discussion of the layout and which means of the
pieces, and therefore offers a desirable subject
from a brand new vantage element. Of particular
interest is the part at the extra important
modern units, which offers Mr.
Graham's view that modern designs
offer a brand new truth to the traditional and revered
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Example text
His head and bod y are not Hat, graphicalLy demarked areas, but bulging masSe� bouncing space off every contour. His sh i dd is not placed by his body ; it is wrapped around him. His hand does not rest on top ofthe s\vord in a symbolic gesture of holding ; il i'i a c tua lly grasping the s\·\lord. lfth through the fourteenth centuries, chesspieces achieved this fuller plasticity. 'ipiece or as a full , cale sculpture, did not become the image of a completely independent individual until the Renaissance.
Schematic abstraction of this gene ral type became widespread in the thirteenth and fourteenrh centuries. During the fifteenth and sixteenth cen t uries this stylc blended with (he pa rall e l traditions of naturalism (Fig, 33 ) a nd quasi-abstraction (Fig. 34) to form the basic characteristics of modern s tanda rd design. 1 1\' A� f • � � Aoove : HC. B : \ ' Burgundian : K, H, Kt: C, P. Late t4th- early 1 5 th century. Rock crystal and smoky topaz with silver gilt selting. usee de Cluny: Park Below: FIG.
Castle (Guard ) . 12th century. Hartshorn, P Ia in. high. National lvluseum, Copenhagen. Below left : FlO. 27 Danish Q1'- German: Bishop. 13th century. Walrus bone, 2 1/4 in. high. National Museum, Copenhagen. The eyes originally were jewels. Below right : FIG. 28 German : Knight. 14th century. Ivory or hartshorn, 31Y;" in. high. Germanisches I'\ationalrlluseum" Nuremberg. FIG. 29 School of the Maitre aux Boqueteux. Allegory of Chess with personified ehesspieces. Illumination from Jacobus de Cessolis, Jeu des iehees moralist, translated from ' the Latin by Jean de Vignay, Northern France, ca.