By Paul Gifford
This examine examines the function of Christianity in Liberia lower than the corrupt regime of Samuel ok. Doe (1980-1990). Paul Gifford indicates that, ordinarily, Liberian Christianity--far from being a strength for justice and human advancement--diverted cognizance from the reason for Liberia's ills, left switch to God's dazzling intervention, inspired obedience and reputation of the established order, and therefore served to entrench Doe's strength. This Christianity, devised in and regulated from the USA, hence furthered local American financial and political pursuits, which have been designed to help Doe's rule.
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4; 4 Aug. 1988, p. 1 where the names are given as Borteh and Jorwley. Interview reported in Herald, 4 - 1 0 A u g . 1988, p . 12. Daily Observer, 17 J u l y 1989, p . 4. The historical context 31 TV testimony of the previous evening, and printed official news releases. Witnesses came forward to explain that Allison resorted to this ritual murder to overthrow Doe and make himself President. This testimony had the effect of complicating things so that it was not really clear whether Allison was being tried for murder or treason.
The Vice-President and the Minister ofjustice denied that the government had anything to answer for. Doe had nothing but praise for the ' security forces who stood firmly in defence of the nation on that fateful day of November 12, 1985'. 38 This was the situation in Liberia when the Second Republic was launched on 6 January 1986 with the inauguration of 35 36 37 38 Amnesty International release of 31 March 1988, in Liberia-Forum, 4/6 (1988), p. 94. L a w y e r s ' , Promise Betrayed, p p . 6 3 - 7 9 .
52 Academic freedom suffered badly. ' 53 In 1989 a lecturer at the University expressed the view that a one-party state was in 51 52 53 Lawyers', Promise Betrayed, p. 145. See also Best, 'My Fight', pp. 22-3; Jeff Mbure, 'The Trials and Tribulations of an African Journalist', African Christian, 30 June i99i,pp. 4-5. T h e bans o n Sun Times, Footprints Today a n d E L C M were lifted o n 21 M a r c h 1990, in h o n o u r of Namibia's independence. g. a n editorial stated, ' C o n t e m p o r a r i l y we a r e a nation bankrupt in leadership' (4 Sept.