By Sarah Kate Raphael
This research examines environmental mess ups within the Levant. the information is drawn from modern resources. the most target is to figure out the lengthy and momentary repercussions of environmental failures at the neighborhood affairs throughout the Crusader, Ayyubid and Mamluk classes.
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36 Ibn al-Furāt, Ayyubids, Mamluks and Crusaders: Selections from the Tā’rīkh al-duwal wa’l-mulūk of Ibn al-Furāt, ed. and tr. U. and M. C. Lyons; Introduction and notes J. S. C. Riley-Smith (Cambridge, 1971), 72. 37 Amitai-Preiss, R. “The Mamluk officer class during the reign of sultan Baybars,” in War and Society in the Eastern Mediterranean, 7th-15th Centuries, ed. Y. Lev (Leiden, 1997), 267-300. 38 Richard, J. “Agricultural conditions in the Crusader states,” in A History of the Crusades, ed.
32 Middelton, N. J. “Effects of drought on dust production in the Sahel,” Nature 316 (1985): 431-4. 33 Fluctuations in rainfall can be extreme. Shifts of 20 percent above or below the annual average are common. A good example is the winter of 1990-91, during which only 393 mm of rain fell in the region of Jerusalem. In the winter that followed, rainfall almost tripled, reaching 1,134 mm. 34 Assessing the Severity of Medieval Droughts Accounts of droughts often appear at the end of detailed commentaries on political and military events of the given year.
Hebrew] 16 Watson, Agriculture Innovation, 35, 40; Peled, A. [Hebrew] agriculture in greater syria 33 establishment of the Crusader states, cultivation of sugarcane spread along the coastal plains from Beirut all the way to Acre, along the Sea of Galilee, the Hula valley, Beit Shan and the oases of Jericho. 19 The decline of the sugar industry in the Levant was the result of its widespread cultivation in the New World in the sixteenth century. The fact that the number of sugar mills grew and flourished during the Crusader period and continued to do so under Mamluk rule indicates that the fluctuation of temperatures and rainfall along the coastal plain were negligible and had little impact on the development and growth of this industry.