By Thomas Downing
Weather, swap and possibility offers an summary of 'extreme' climate similar occasions and our skill to deal with them. It specializes in society's responses, assurance issues and methodologies for the research of climatic risks. Drawing on around the world learn from the top names within the box this quantity explores the alterations in climate dangers that would be anticipated because the worldwide weather alterations.
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Work is progressing on coupling the DAR high-resolution ocean model to the CSIRO nine-level atmospheric GCM (AGCM) for use as an ENSO forecast tool. These models can provide some indications of the sensitivity of the climate system to 26 CLIMATIC HAZARDS IN AUSTRALIA changes in the background state but, in the long term, computationally more expensive global atmosphere–ocean models will be needed to address fully the implications of greenhouse warming. 2 Global models Meehl et al. (1993) analysed experiments with an atmospheric general circulation model coupled separately to both a global ocean model and a slab-ocean model.
It is also in the southern hemisphere, where the cooling effect of sulphate aerosols (microscopic particles in the atmosphere formed from sulphur emissions) is much smaller than in the industrialised areas of the northern hemisphere. Thus it is necessary to allow for the greater warming in the southern hemisphere, relative to that in the northern, in global warming estimates (CSIRO, 1996). CSIRO’s earlier estimates of future climates (CSIRO, 1992) were based on the results of five slab-ocean GCMs (models with a simple representation of the oceans).
1994). The control run (labelled the 1×CO2 experiment) seeks to replicate the current climate. The effects of increased GHG concentrations are simulated in a second run. In an equilibrium experiment, the second run includes the equivalent of a doubling of carbon dioxide from pre-industrial times (the 2×CO2 run) and is continued until the climate stabilises at a new equilibrium. The difference between the two experiments is an estimate of the atmospheric sensitivity to the enhanced greenhouse effect.