Download Collected Essays, Volume 3: Ancient Israel's History and by Nadav Na'aman PDF

By Nadav Na'aman

Through the prior 3 a long time, Nadav Na'aman has many times proved that he's some of the most cautious historians of old Canaan and Israel. With wide services, he has introduced jointly archaeology, textual content, and the inscriptional fabric from all the historical close to East to endure at the historical past of historic Israel and the land of Canaan through the moment and primary millenniums B.C.E. lots of his experiences were released as magazine articles or notes and but, jointly, they represent the most vital our bodies of literature at the topic in recent times, really as a result of cautious awareness to technique that Na'aman continuously has delivered to his paintings.

This ultimate quantity within the 3-volume set of Na'aman's amassed essays includes 29 essays. one of the themes addressed are: the resources on hand to Israel's historians overdue within the first millennium B.C.E.; the truth in the back of the narratives in terms of the historical past of the United Monarchy; the impact of the author's personal time at the composition of the histories of Saul, David, and Solomon; and the contributions of archaeology to the research of the 10th century B.C.E. during protecting those topics, Na'aman touches on subject matters equivalent to background and historiography, textual and literary difficulties, historic geography, society, management, cult, and religion.

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Historiography in the Ancient World and the Origins of Biblical History. New Haven and London. J. 1993. The Walls of Jerusalem. From the Canaanites to the Mamluks. (Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 4). Sydney. Zertal, A. 1994. “To the Land of the Perizzites and the Giants”: On the Israelite Settlement in the Hill Country of Manasseh. In: Finkelstein, I. and Na’aman, N. eds. From Nomadism to Monarchy. Archaeological and Historical Aspects of Early Israel. Jerusalem: 47–69. The Kingdom of Ishbaal1 The territories over which Ishbaal son of Saul reigned from his capital of Mahanaim are described in 2 Sam.

23:8–39) is certainly drawn from a very old document. The lists of David’s wives and sons (2 Sam. 3:2–5; 5:14–16) might have been extracted from an original list. The lists of his officials (2 Sam. 8:16–18; 20:23–26) might go back to an old document, but equally might have been drawn from the list of Solomon’s officials, because most of the names in the latter were sons of those mentioned in the former. I would like to suggest epigraphic evidence that supports the assumption that scribal activity had already taken place in Jerusalem by the tenth century BCE.

1906. Jaua, mār Ḫumrî. Orientalische Literaturzeitung 9: 224–226. Van Seters, J. 1983. In Search of History. Historiography in the Ancient World and the Origins of Biblical History. New Haven and London. J. 1993. The Walls of Jerusalem. From the Canaanites to the Mamluks. (Mediterranean Archaeology Supplement 4). Sydney. Zertal, A. 1994. “To the Land of the Perizzites and the Giants”: On the Israelite Settlement in the Hill Country of Manasseh. In: Finkelstein, I. and Na’aman, N. eds. From Nomadism to Monarchy.

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