Download Comprehensive Chess Endings, Vol. 4: Pawn Endings (Pergamon by Yuri Averbakh, Ilya Maizelis PDF

By Yuri Averbakh, Ilya Maizelis

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Sample text

Txc4+ 2 1 . a5 ± Onischuk-Meier, Lubbock 2 0 1 0 . 7. ' 8 8 tt:lf6xe4 d5xe4 tt:ld 7-f6 tt:lf6xe4 �c8-b7 A classical situation: the c6-pawn is pinned, and Black cannot play the freeing move . . c6-c5 . Of course, White will do his utmost to ensure that the bishop on b7 stays in its prison. 1 5. �f1 -e1 1 6. �a 1 -d 1 1 7. t � • ' ' � ''' . 1. :us-ea A) If 9 . . b6 the typical blow 1 0 . e4! simply kills all Black's ideas. For example, 1 O . . tt:Jxe4;\;. We have already discussed a similar position, and this is an even better version for White; B) 9 .

24. d8xd4 �a6xf1 �f1 -a6 Tkachiev-Yakovenko , Dresden 2 0 0 7 . White has a solid extra pawn and full control of the open d-file; his advantage is not in doubt. D 2 24 2 2 ) 1 1 . .. i • j_ j. j. j. j. s �� White has secure control of the light squares on the kingside, and so can boldly offer the exchange of light­ squared bishops. In addition, note that by pushing his pawn to h S , White fixes the 64 This move is not very popular - not an accident, in my view. 1 2. tLlc3 ! ttJhS ( 1 2 . . 'li" b 7 1 3 .

LLlfxd 2 ! I:!. lLla3±. White regains the pawn and in so doing, breaks up the black pawn structure on the queenside. 8. e2-e3 :i :i i. 'iV � i i i i i � ·� If you are afraid of the capture on c4, then in general, you are better off not playing the Catalan! 8 1 ) 6 ... dxc4 82) 6 ... 0-0 After 6 . . cxdS exdS 8 . 0-0 0-0 9 . �g 5 ! White reaches a very favourable 36 9 . 0-0 The transfer of the knight to the queenside by 8 . . tubd2;l; . Nor can we recommend t o Black 8 . . l::!. a4 �a6 1 1 J ld 1 !

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