By Shabana A.A.
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6 D’Alembert’s Principle 31 is utilized. The identity of Equation 108 applies only to planar transformation; it is a special case of a more general identity that applies to spatial transformation matrices (Roberson and Schwertassek, 1988; Shabana, 2005). Using three-dimensional vectors to represent this planar motion and introducing the following definition for the angular acceleration:  ¼ 0 a 0 ÃT h€ , ð1:109Þ one can show that the absolute acceleration vector of Equation 107 can be written as €r ¼ €rO þ Aða Þ ÿ A fv Þg Âu  ðv Âu ð1:110Þ Alternatively, this equation can be written using vectors defined in the global coordinate system as €r ¼ €rO þ a  u ÿ v  ðv  uÞ ð1:111Þ In this equation, a ¼ A a, and other vectors are as defined previously in this section.
In the finite element formulations discussed in this book, the mass matrix cannot, in general, be diagonal, even in the case in which lumped mass techniques are used. Furthermore, in the large deformation finite element formulation presented in Chapter 6, one cannot use lumped masses, because the use of such a lumping scheme does not lead to correct modeling of the rigid-body dynamics. Similarly, by using Equation 145, the virtual work of the applied forces can be written as dW e ¼ QTe dq ð1:151Þ Using Equations 149 and 151 and the principle of virtual work, which states that dW i ¼ dW e , one obtains the following equation: q ÿ Qe ÿ Qv ÞT dq ¼ 0 ðM€ ð1:152Þ If the elements of the vector q are independent, the preceding equation leads to the discrete ordinary differential equations of the system given as M€ q ¼ Qe þ Qv ð1:153Þ However, if the elements of the vector q are not totally independent because of kinematic relationships between the coordinates, one can always write the coordinates q in terms of a reduced set of independent coordinates qi .
If the mass m is assumed to be constant, the preceding two equations lead to F ¼ p_ ¼ m dv ¼ ma dt ð1:95Þ In this equation, a is the absolute acceleration vector of the particle. Note that, in general, three scalar equations are required to describe the particle dynamics. This is mainly due to the fact that, in the case of unconstrained motion, the particle has three degrees of freedom in the spatial analysis because it is represented by a point that has no dimensions. In the case of planar motion, only two equations are required because, in this case, the particle has only two degrees of freedom.