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By Raymond S.T. Lee

The scope of this quantity is to offer to the reader a large situation of modern works characterised through a synergistic mix of soppy Computing sector with fresh tendencies of allotted man made Intelligence and Ambient Intelligence. The editors current uncomplicated paradigms: the emergence of computational intelligence as a mature and built-in technology, and the facility of the agent paradigm in knowing complicated and dispensed environments. This ebook explores those rising components inviting famous authors whose services is commonly recognized.

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In Software Engineering, MAS technology is viewed as a novel and promising paradigm. A complex software system can be treated as a collection of many agents, each one with its own local functionality and properties, achieving total system functionality. Some of the benefits of MAS technology in large scale software systems are [25]: • Speedup and efficiency, due to asynchronous and parallel computation. • Robustness and reliability, in the sense that the whole system can undergo a “graceful degradation” when one or more agents fail.

9. 3 Retrieval Algorithm The Retrieval Algorithm represents the computational kernel of the AmI Retrieval component. Its main aim is to find the appropriate fuzzy service able to control the environment by using the semantic information contained in the RDF description located on the Retrieval Server and the XML information coming from the AmI client interfaced with the related fuzzy controlled environment. The opportune fuzzy service can be found by comparing, in a semantic way, the information contained in the XML description of AmI environment with the triple set of RDF fuzzy service description.

Some of the benefits of MAS technology in large scale software systems are [25]: • Speedup and efficiency, due to asynchronous and parallel computation. • Robustness and reliability, in the sense that the whole system can undergo a “graceful degradation” when one or more agents fail. • Scalability and flexibility, since it is easy to add new agents to the system. • Cost, assuming that an agent is cheap compared to the whole system. • Development and reusability, since it is easier to develop and maintain a modular than monolithic software.

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