By Bernd Reusch (Editor)
This booklet constitutes the refereed complaints of the eighth Dortmund Fuzzy Days, held in Dortmund, Germany, 2004. The Fuzzy-Days convention has verified itself as a global discussion board for the dialogue of recent leads to the sphere of Computational Intelligence. all of the papers needed to endure an intensive assessment ensuring an outstanding caliber of the programme. The papers are dedicated to foundational and useful matters in fuzzy structures, neural networks, evolutionary algorithms, and computing device studying and hence conceal the complete variety of computational intelligence.
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We have considered two choices of T : RING, and COMPLETE. , each swarm broadcasts its particles to the remaining swarms. This complete topology ensures a global synchronization of the best position identified in the multi-swarm. The dissemination of this global incumbent is slower in the ring model, since it has to jump gradually from swarm to swarm. The two topologies are illustrated in Figure 1. F. Romero and C. Cotta Fig. 1. Swarms are arranged in a unidirectional ring (RING topology – left) or in a clique (COMPLETE topology – right).
10 6 1. 10 10 1. 10 10 1. 10 14 1. 10 14 1. 10 18 1. 10 18 1. 10 0 500 1000 1500 2000 Skew Normal Directed Simple Asymmetrical Simple 1 Simple n Correlated 2500 Fig. 13. Averages of the results 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 1 1 8 1. 10 8 1. 10 16 1. 10 16 1. 10 24 1. 10 24 1. 10 32 1. 10 32 1. 10 40 1. 10 40 1. 10 0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500 Fig. 14. Medians of the results Skew Normal Directed Simple Asymmetrical Simple 1 Simple n Correlated Directed Mutation by Means of the Skew-Normal Distribution 47 f5 Generalized Rosenbrock’s Function 29 100 xi+1 − x2i f5 (x) = 2 + (xi − 1) 2 i=1 −30 ≤ xi ≤ 30, 0 1000 2000 min(f5 ) = f5 (1, .
Nevertheless, it seems clear that the best combination is ALWAYS+BEST, especially in connection with the COMPLETE topology (whose superiority over RING is very evident). Subsequent experiments thus concentrate on σ=BEST, and ψ=ALWAYS. This means that synchronization of swarm incumbents (global or local by diffusion according to the chosen topology) is performed every ν steps. Figures 2 through 5 show the outcome of the experimentation for these problems. Consider firstly the results for the Rastrigin function (Figure 3).