By Gihan Dawelbait, Christian Pilarsky, Yanju Zhang, Robert Grützmann, Michael Schroeder (auth.), Michael R. Berthold, Robert C. Glen, Kay Diederichs, Oliver Kohlbacher, Ingrid Fischer (eds.)
This ebook constitutes the refereed court cases of the 1st foreign Symposium on Computational lifestyles Sciences, CompLife 2005, held in Konstanz, Germany in September 2005.
The 21 revised complete papers offered including three papers of a workshop on disbursed information Mining within the existence Sciences (LifeDDM) have been rigorously reviewed and chosen from forty nine preliminary submissions. The papers conceal parts starting from high-level procedure biology to facts research on the topic of mass spec lines and are prepared in topical sections on structures biology, info research and integration, structural biology, genomics, computational proteomics, molecular informatics, molecular constitution selection and simulation, and disbursed information mining.
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Additional resources for Computational Life Sciences: First International Symposium, CompLife 2005, Konstanz, Germany, September 25-27, 2005. Proceedings
Sample text
Furthermore, the algorithm will be included in a framework for microarray datasets for full exploitation of microarray data in relation to pathway analysis and pharmaceutical research. Application of the algorithm will not be restricted only to Escherichia coli but to other organisms with specific pharmaceutical concerns and ultimately to human data, with a continuation of the framework steps to include gene networks and interactions with protein-protein networks, offering a solid solution in that area of systems biology.
5 ˚ A) even when the phase estimates became known. The uncertainty in the phases may be essentially reduced supposing that the electron density distribution is not an arbitrary function but one that may be presented by a sum of contributions from individual atoms (atomicity of the crystal). This atomicity plays the key role in phasing the data of small-molecules crystals. In macromolecular crystallography, it was shown a while ago [36] that even an incomplete and inexact atomic model helps in phasing and in further model improvement.
Crystallography Reviews, 10(4):319–343, 2004. 33. A. G. Urzhumtsev, V. Y. Lunin, and E. A. Vernoslova. FROG – high-speed restraint–constraint refinement program for macromolecular structure. Journal of Applied Crystallography, 22(5):500–506, Oct 1989. 34. N. Volkmann, F. Schlunzen, A. G. Urzhumtsev, E. Vernoslova, A. Podjarny, M. Roth, E. Pebay-Peyroula, Z. Berkovitch-Yellin, A. Zaytsev-Bashan, and A. Yonath. On ab-initio phasing of ribosomal particles at very low resolution. Joint CCP4 and ESF-EACBM Newsletter on Protein Crystallography, 49(1):129– 147, Jan 1995.