By Hisashi Tanizaki
Reflecting present technological capacities and analytical traits, this book/CD-ROM package deal showcases Monte Carlo and nonparametric statistical equipment for types, simulations, analyses, and interpretations of statistical and econometric information. Tanizaki (economics, Kobe collage, Japan) studies introductory notions in facts, explores functions of Monte Carlo tools in Bayesian estimation, nation house modeling, and bias correction of standard least squares in autoregressive types, and examines computer-intensive, statistical options except Monte Carlo equipment and simulations. A starting bankruptcy introduces statistics and econometrics. fabric is written for first-year graduate scholars.
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N 2 Accordingly, when n −→ ∞, the following equation holds: P(|X n − µ| > ) ≤ σ2 −→ 0. n 2 That is, X n −→ µ is obtained as n −→ ∞, which is written as: plim X n = µ. This theorem is called the law of large numbers. The condition P(|X n −µ| > ) −→ 0 or equivalently P(|X n −µ| < ) −→ 1 is used as the definition of convergence in probability. In this case, we say that X n converges to µ in probability. 6. LAW OF LARGE NUMBERS AND CENTRAL LIMIT THEOREM 33 Theorem: In the case where X1 , X2 , · · ·, Xn are not identically distributed and they are not mutually independently distributed, we assume that n mn = E( i=1 n Vn = V( i=1 Xi ) < ∞, Xi ) < ∞, Vn −→ 0, n2 as n −→ ∞.
Y f xy (x, y) dx dy 2. Theorem: E(XY) = E(X)E(Y), when X is independent of Y. Proof: For discrete random variables X and Y, xi y j f xy (xi , y j ) = E(XY) = i j i j y j fy (y j ) = E(X)E(Y). , f xy (xi , y j ) = f x (xi ) fy (y j ). For continuous random variables X and Y, E(XY) = = = ∞ ∞ −∞ ∞ −∞ ∞ −∞ −∞ ∞ xy f xy (x, y) dx dy xy f x (x) fy (y) dx dy x f x (x) dx −∞ ∞ y fy (y) dy = E(X)E(Y). −∞ When X is independent of Y, we have f xy (x, y) = f x (x) fy (y) in the second equality. 3. Theorem: Cov(X, Y) = E(XY) − E(X)E(Y).
N! (n − x)! = n(n − 1)p2 = n(n − 1)p2 x x (n − 2)! (n − x)! n! (n − x )! where n = n − 2 and x = x − 2 are re-defined. Therefore, σ2 = V(X) is obtained as: σ2 = V(X) = E(X(X − 1)) + µ − µ2 = n(n − 1)p2 + np − n2 p2 = −np2 + np = np(1 − p). Finally, the moment-generating function φ(θ) is represented as: φ(θ) = E(eθX ) = eθx x = x n! (n − x)! n! (peθ ) x (1 − p)n−p = (peθ + 1 − p)n . (n − x)! In the last equality, we utilize the following formula: n (a + b)n = x=0 n! (n − x)! which is called the binomial theorem.