By David E. Bernholdt (auth.), Marian Bubak, Geert Dick van Albada, Peter M. A. Sloot, Jack Dongarra (eds.)
The overseas convention on Computational technology (ICCS 2004) held in Krak´ ow, Poland, June 6–9, 2004, used to be a follow-up to the hugely winning ICCS 2003 held at destinations, in Melbourne, Australia and St. Petersburg, Russia; ICCS 2002 in Amsterdam, The Netherlands; and ICCS 2001 in San Francisco, united states. As computational technological know-how remains to be evolving in its quest for matters of inves- gation and e?cient equipment, ICCS 2004 used to be devised as a discussion board for scientists from arithmetic and laptop technology, because the easy computing disciplines and alertness parts, drawn to complicated computational equipment for physics, chemistry, lifestyles sciences, engineering, arts and arts, in addition to laptop procedure proprietors and software program builders. the most aim of this convention used to be to debate difficulties and recommendations in all parts, to spot new matters, to form destiny instructions of study, and to aid clients practice a variety of complicated computational ideas. the development harvested fresh advancements in com- tationalgridsandnextgenerationcomputingsystems,tools,advancednumerical tools, data-driven platforms, and novel software ?elds, akin to advanced - stems, ?nance, econo-physics and inhabitants evolution.
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Extra info for Computational Science - ICCS 2004: 4th International Conference, Kraków, Poland, June 6-9, 2004, Proceedings, Part III
Example text
I. M. Cascón, L. Ferragut 586 Analysis of Parallel Numerical Libraries to Solve the 3D Electron Continuity Equation N. J. García-Loureiro 590 Parallel Solution of Cascaded ODE Systems Applied to Experiments K. Nöh, W. -Y. -I. Park 598 Network of Networks J. de Cruz Guzmán, Z. Oziewicz 602 MSL: An Efficient Adaptive In-Place Radix Sort Algorithm F. El-Aker, A. Al-Badarneh 606 Parallel Chip Firing Game Associated with Edges Orientations R. Ndoundam, C. Tadonki, M. Tchuente 610 A Fast Multifrontal Solver for Non-linear Multi-physics Problems A.
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Iwadate 519 CORBA-Based Open Platform for Processes Monitoring. An Application to a Complex Electromechanical Process K. E. E. Jiménez, Á. Alique, R. Galán 523 An Approach to Web-Oriented Discrete Event Simulation Modeling 527 Query Execution Algorithm in Web Environment with Limited Availability of Statistics J. Jezierski, T. M. J. H. J. E. M. García 541 MADEW: Modelling a Constraint Awareness Model to Web-Based Learning Environments P. Herrero, A. D. Lin 549 A Fast and Efficient Method for Processing Web Documents 553 Online Internet Monitoring System of Sea Regions M.