By P. R. Smith
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The student data have to be collected from all system disks in use to make them available to the report generating program of the M C S D . The last service program is used to create, inspect and modify the library with standard messages of CAIPAS. This makes it simple to create a library containing messages in another natural language. DISCUSSION Unlike the other interpreters of the M C S D , CAIPAS has been designed to be portable. It was completely written in U C S D Pascal with as little as possible use of the extensions of this implementa tion to Standard Pascal [14].
However, it is argued that the success of computer-based teaching material can only be accurately assessed when it is available to a substantial number of schools. INTRODUCTION Like books and television, the microcomputer is a medium of communication, and like other media there are some ideas it will communicate well, while others are best expressed in a different way. In education we are beginning to appreciate the variety of uses for microcomputers, but we are a long way from discovering what they d o best.
In its Videotex application, the terminal is primarily used with a keypad as the entry device. Provision has been made for keyboard input and this facility has been the main input device in the CAL applications of the terminal. Connection of a new terminal to the NATAL system in general consists of the relatively simple process of defining the characteristics of the terminal for the system. Thus, it was possible to connect the Telidon terminal into the N A T A L system very quickly. Even though the original definition of NATAL did not address colour graphics, nor some of the advanced functions found in the newer graphics terminals, it was possible to make these features of the Telidon terminal available through library functions which the user incorporated in his program.