Download Concise Chess Middlegames by Neil McDonald PDF

By Neil McDonald

During this easy-to-read pocket-sized advisor, Grandmaster Neil McDonald concentrates at the basics of middlegame play in chess. He presents just enough fabric in order that readers can input this a part of the sport with the data and self assurance required.

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N-B3 N-B3 4. B-NS B-NS 5. 0-0 0-0 6. BxN N PxB 7. NxP R-K I 8. P-Q4 BxN 9. PxB NxP I 0. R-K I N-Q3 I I . Q-N4 Q-B3 1 2. B-R3 R-Q I 1 3. R-K3 N-B4 1 4. R-B3 P-Q4 1 5. Q-RS P-N3 1 6. N-N4! Q-R I 1 7. Q-NS B-K3 1 8. RxN! BxR 1 9. N-R6ch K-N2 20. NxBch K-N I 2 1 . , Black resigns The upcoming 22. B-B6 will disconcert the Black lady. S. Open, 1 938): I . P-Q4 N­ KB3 2. B-NS N-KS 3. B-R4 P-Q4 4. P-K3 P-QB4 5. P-QB3 Q-N3! 6. Q-B I Q-KR3! (Lyman notes that during the post-mortem the ever-generous Mac praised highly this Queen maneuver.

B-B2 Q-R4 I 0. 0-0 BxN I I . 46 The Bobby Fischer I Knew and Other Stories PxB QxBP 1 2. Q-N I 0-0 1 3. P-K4 PxP 1 4. B-Q2 Q-R6 I S. B-N4 Q-R3 1 6. BxR PxN 1 7. B-K7?? Q-K3, White resigns White cannot save his Bishop and defend against the crushing threat of 18 . . Q-N5 . The game is theoretically important because most authorities consider White's game as won after 17. B-N4 instead of Maroczy's blunder, 17. B-K7 ? . This opinion dates back to Alexander Alekhine's comments in his book on the New York 1927 tourna­ ment-comments which were later ratified by Efim Bogolyubov in Die Moderne Eroffnung: 1.

AI was nothing if not thoroughly careful. He guards against such eventualities as 3 1 . . N/6xP? 32. RxN/Q4 QxN 33 . 14. Q-B2 or 3 1 . . N/4xQP 32. N-B7ch RxN 33. RxR. In the latter line, Black cannot play . . N-K7ch because of the pin. 32. B-R3 N/3xP 33. Rl l xN NxR 34. RxRch KxR 35. N-Q7ch QxN! After this fine move, planned long in advance, Black has only a hit of mopping up to do. 36. BxQ N-K7ch 37. K-B I NxQ 38. BxR NxP 39. B-Q7 N-NS 40. K-K2 K-K2 4 1 . B-BS P-KR3 42. P-N4 K-B 3 43. P-R4 P-B4 44.

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