By David Rosenthal
David Rosenthal is among the top participants to the philosophical examine of attention. This quantity gathers jointly his paintings at the topic from the previous twenty years, and represents the definitive presentation of his influential conception of cognizance as higher-order idea. of the essays look right here for the 1st time; there's additionally a considerable new advent, drawing out the connections among the essays and highlighting their implications.
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On the Cartesian view, consciousness is definitive of the mental. This concept of mentality implies that consciousness cannot be a relational characteristic of mental states, and that it may well be inexplicable as well. The difficulty in explaining consciousness on that view actually results from the Cartesian strategy for dealing with mental phenomena. The main strength of the Cartesian picture is that it closely matches our presystematic, commonsense intuitions. But it achieves this close match by building those intuitions into our very concepts of mind and consciousness.
An account that appeals to higher-order thoughts has no such difficulty. Moreover, there is a well-motivated reason why the higher-order thought that the non-Cartesian invokes must be a thought about oneself. To confer consciousness of a particular mental state, the higher-order thought must be about that very mental state. And the only way for a thought to be about a particular mental state is for it to be about somebody’s being in that state. Otherwise, the thought would just be about that type of mental state, and not about the particular token of it.
We can determine the presence of 7 Allen Hazen has urged this line especially forcefully, in correspondence. , B131 – 2; cf. B406, though Kant insists that the representation ‘I think’ is a nonempirical [B132] or transcendental [B401, A343] representation). † Added in 2005. ‡ Since this paper first appeared I have come to think that such misrepresentation by higher-order thoughts of the states they are about is neither all that rare nor pathological, and that it may well be relatively routine. , ‘‘Introspection and Self-Interpretation,’’ § VI; ‘‘Sensory Quality and the Relocation Story,’’ § V; ‘‘Sensory Qualities, Consciousness, and Perception,’’ ch.