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By Morna Daniels

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Abidjan: Fraternité Matin, 1982. 212p. A report on the life of the capital, written by the staff of the newspaper of the PDCI, the one party legal at the time. It includes some history, reports on the different regions of the city, and emphasizes the positive aspects of Abidjan. 2 Africa south of the Sahara. 1994. London: Europa Publications, 1993. 23rd ed. 1012p. bibliog. A useful annual reference book. In its section on the Côte d'Ivoire, this issue includes an article on recent history by Pierre Englebert, an article on the economy (with statistics) by Edith Hodgkinson and the usual directory of government, political and trade organizations, together with addresses of embassies.

Riley 105 Macau, Richard Louis Edmonds 106 Philippines, Jim Richardson 107 Bulgaria, Richard J. Crampton 108 The Bahamas, Paul G. Boultbee 109 Peru, John Robert Fisher 110 Venezuela, D. A. G. Waddell 111 Dominican Republic, Kai Schoenhals 112 Colombia, Robert H. Davis 113 Taiwan, Wei-chin Lee 114 Switzerland, Heinz K. Meier and Regula A. Meier 115 Hong Kong, Ian Scott 116 Bhutan, Ramesh C. Dogra 117 Suriname, Rosemarijn Hoefte 118 Djibouti, Peter J. Schraeder 119 Grenada, Kai Schoenhals 120 Monaco, Grace L.

The latter group includes much of the ruling élite. Most other people follow syncretic cults loosely based on Islam or Christianity (which leads to considerable variations in the statistics quoted for these religions), or are animist, and many official members of Western religions also hold to animist beliefs and practices. President Houphouët-Boigny was born in 1905 (or even earlier) and elected President at independence in 1960, when he was already Prime Minister. He retained his position until his death on 7 December 1993, when he was succeeded by his chosen candidate Henri Konan Bédié.

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