By Rolf Hinze
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We put him in John's bed. (21)a. I told him about the party when Bill was here. b. I interviewed her after Mary's speech. The subordinate clause in (20a) and the prepositional phrase in (20b) are both dominated by the verb phrase. Since this node also dominates him the pronoun c-commands the complements and Reinhart's constraint blocks coreference between the pronoun and the italicized noun phrases. The corresponding subordinate clause and prepositional phrase in (21) are both dominated by the S node.
In Ford's home town he is considered a genius. b. In Ford's home town he built a house. Although some speakers marginally allow coreference in (25b), there is a clear difference between it and (25a). The difference lies in the fact that the prepositional phrase in (25a) is a sentential complement while that in (25b) is a verbal complement. It is generally agreed that constituents fronted from the verb phrase occupy a different position in the tree than those fronted from the S node. The schemata in (26) differentiate between the two structures in (25), according to Reinhart's analysis.
Chapter 6 summarizes the results of these studies, relating them specifically to some of the issues addressed here. NOTES It is plausible, for instance, that the principle operating to prohibit pronominal reference in (1) applies in marginally different domains from language to language. See Harbert (1980) for some discussion. 2 With respect to reflexives and pronouns, a substantially large number of Otsu's subjects failed to fit into the predicted pattern. Furthermore, some children passed the repetition test when the sentences contained relfexives, but failed it when the sentences contained reciprocals.