Download Despair and Deliverance: Private Salvation in Contemporary by Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi PDF

By Benjamin Beit-Hallahmi

E-book by way of Beit-Hallahmi, Benjamin

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Several members of the sect were in Israeli military prisons because of their refusal to obey orders to report for active duty in the army reserves. As it turned out (Jerusalem Post, 1975), sect members used to be exempted from military service, but after the 1973 War, the rules were changed by administrative action because of manpower shortages, and so those refusing orders were routinely sentenced to prison terms. The military judges, like most Israelis to this day, probably had never heard of Jehovah's Witnesses and were following routine military justice.

The sources of Emin beliefs and practices can undoubtedly be traced to the personal experiences of the founder Mr. Armin, who has been exposed to all these old and new systems through extensive reading, personal contacts with theosophical and occult groups of various kinds, and possibly with Scientology. The sheer volume of Mr. Armin's writings is impressive. What emerges from them is a system that can be described as modern occultism, and thus, Emin can be classified (alliteratively) as a modern eclectic (electrical) occult cult.

The total expense per month for an active member may reach more than $150, which is about one quarter of the average monthly income of an Israeli family in 1986. The Emin organization is highly centralized, with a small number of Ushers and Monitors, who have reached "more advanced levels of knowledge," being in charge. Personal emissaries of Leo, or Leo himself, make all policy decisions. According to the Poem (p. 58), the church has its own calendar, with nine holidays as of 1978, including The Day of Seven Gifts (March 21 approximately), The Celebration of the Significance of Birth and Regeneration (Easter Sunday), and The Celebration of the Silver Beyond the Pale 23 Chalice (Christmas).

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