By Christopher A Palmer; E G Loewen
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The ratio between the input and output focal lengths determines the projected width of the entrance slit that must be matched to the exit slit width or detector element size. The ƒ/number is also important, as it is generally true that spectral aberrations decrease as ƒ/number increases. Unfortunately, increasing the input ƒ/number results in the grating subtending a smaller solid angle as seen from the entrance slit; this will reduce the amount of light energy the grating collects and consequently reduce the intensity of the diffracted beams.
52 its grooves are sinusoidal ridges. This grating may be coated and replicated like master ruled gratings. 2. 1. CLASSIFICATION OF HOLOGRAPHIC GRATINGS Single-beam interference An interference pattern can be generated from a single collimated monochromatic coherent light beam if it is made to reflect back upon itself. A standing wave pattern will be formed, with intensity maxima forming planes parallel to the wavefronts. The intersection of this interference pattern with a photoresist-covered substrate will yield on its surface a pattern of grooves, whose spacing d depends on the angle θ between the substrate surface and the planes of maximum intensity (see Figure 4-2)18 ; the relation between d and θ is identical to Eq.
C. Hutley, Diffraction Gratings, Academic Press (New York, New York: 1982), p. 29. 5. FOCAL LENGTH AND ƒ/NUMBER For gratings (or grating systems) that image as well as diffract light, or disperse light that is not collimated, a focal length may be defined. If the beam diffracted from a grating of a given wavelength λ and order m converges to a focus, then the distance between this focus and the grating center is the focal length r'(λ). ] If the diffracted light is diverging, the focal length may still be defined, although by convention we take it to be negative (indicating that there is a virtual image behind the grating).