By Bernard Brogliato
Dissipative structures research and regulate (second variation) offers an absolutely revised and extended remedy of dissipative platforms idea, constituting a self-contained, complex creation for graduate scholars, researchers and practicing engineers. It examines linear and nonlinear platforms with examples of either in each one bankruptcy; a few infinite-dimensional examples also are incorporated. all through, emphasis is put on using the dissipative houses of a procedure for the layout of reliable suggestions regulate legislation. the idea is substantiated by means of experimental effects and by means of connection with its program in illustrative actual instances (Lagrangian and Hamiltonian structures and passivity-based and adaptive controllers are coated thoroughly).The moment version is considerably reorganized either to house new fabric and to reinforce its pedagogical houses. a number of the adjustments brought are: whole proofs of the most theorems and lemmas. The Kalman-Yakubovich-Popov Lemma for non-minimal realizations, singular platforms, and discrete-time platforms (linear and nonlinear). Passivity of nonsmooth platforms (differential inclusions, variational inequalities, Lagrangian structures with complementarity conditions). Sections on optimum keep watch over and H[Infin] idea. An enlarged bibliography with greater than 550 references, and an augmented index with greater than 500 entries. a stronger appendix with introductions to viscosity ideas, Riccati equations and a few invaluable matrix algebra.
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There is no pole on the imaginary axis. Proof: Let A ∈ Cm×m be some Hermitian matrix with eigenvalues λi (A). Let x ∈ Cm be an arbitrary vector with complex entries. It is well-known from linear algebra that x∗ Ax is real, and that x∗ Ax ≥ λmin (A)|x|2 . ). 6. 9 The Scattering Formulation By a change of variables an alternative description can be established where passivity corresponds to small gain. We will introduce this idea with an example from linear circuit theory. 77) Define the wave variables where z0 is a positive constant.
128) it is seen that |g(s)| ≤ 1 in Re[s] > 0; it follows that g(s) is bounded real. 34. Let H(s) ∈ Cm×m be a square transfer function, with det(H(s) + H(−s)) = 0 for Re[s] ≥ 0, and H(j∞) + H(T (j∞) ≥ 0. Then the bounded realness of G(s) = (G(s) − Im )(G(s) + Im )−1 implies that H(s) is positive real. 35. A system with transfer function h(s) is passive if and only if the transfer function h(s) is positive real. 36. A fundamental result in electrical circuit theory is that if the transfer function h(s) is rational and positive real, then there exists an electrical one-port built from resistors, capacitors and inductors so that h(s) is the impedance of the one-port [126, p.
31 does not imply the stability of the above mentioned operator (provided one has associated a state space realization to this operator). The stability is in fact obtained if one makes further assumptions like the observability and controllability. 32. The next theorem links bounded realness with positive realness. 33. 126) Assume that g(s) = 1 for all Re[s] > 0. Then h(s) is positive real if and only if g(s) is bounded real. Proof: Assume that g(s) is bounded real and that g(s) = 1 for all Re[s] > 0.