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By Berlemann L.

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The DIMSUMnet is concreted in (Buddhikot and Ryan, 2005) through the investigation of candidate algorithms for dynamic spectrum access in cellular Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) networks. , 2003). There, the idea of a knowledge plane is suggested that is separated from the control- and data-plane. This knowledge plane enables the cognitive network to autonomously identify a problem and fix it with selfconfiguration. Based on this, Mähönen (2004) and Mähönen et al. (2004) suggest to take wireless networks and telephony into account from the beginning, when designing a knowledge plane for cognitive radio networks.

Contrary to the ISM bands, the usage of the U-NII bands is more restricted: There, limited coexistence capabilities like DFS and TPC, as introduced below, are mandatory (FCC, 2003a). As TV bands in the US are often under-utilized, the FCC proposed in 2004 to allow unlicensed systems the secondary usage of this spectrum (FCC, 2004b). 2. 20 2. 4: Spectrum for unlicensed operation in the US and recent initiatives of the FCC to free spectrum with a reference on the corresponding document. In 2004, the FCC also initiated the opening of new spectrum for wireless broadband communication in the 3650-3700 MHz band for fixed and mobile devices transmitting at higher power (FCC, 2004a).

5 MHz band are described in (ERC, 2001): The Equivalent Isotropic Radiated Power (EIRP) is limited there to 100 mW. Further, for Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum (DSSS), the maximum spectrum power density is limited to -20 dBW/1 MHz and for Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) the maximum spectrum power density is limited to -10 dBW/100 kHz. The operation in the 5 GHz frequency bands is regulated in (ECC, 2004): The 5150-5350 MHz band is designated for indoor usage with a mean EIRP of 200 mW and DFS together with TPC are required above 5250 MHz.

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