By Hendrik Segers Affiliation: Laboratory of Animal Ecology, Zoogeography and Nature Conservation, Department Biology, University of Gent, K. L. Ledeganckstraat 35, B-9000 Gent, Belgium; Niniver L Ferrufino Affiliation: Unidad de Limnología y Recursos Acuá
Effects are awarded on a examine of the non permanent species variety of Rotifera in “Laguna Bufeos”, a flood undeniable lake of the Ichilo River in Bolivia. a complete of 104 morphospecies of monogonont Rotifera have been pointed out from 3 samples amassed on June 1, 1997. The species checklist comprises eleven% Neotropical endemics, five% pantropical and thirteen% tropicopolitan taxa. 4 taxa, viz. Aspelta lestes Harring and Myers, 1928; Colurella denticauda Carlin, 1939; Ptygura intermedia (Davis, 1867) and Trichocerca kostei Segers, 1993 are newly recorded from South the USA, sixty seven morphospecies are new to the Bolivian fauna. Notes are further on a few chosen taxa. Brachionus amazonica Koste and Robertson, 1983 (stat. nov.) is increased to morphospecies rank. Read more...
summary: effects are awarded on a research of the non permanent species variety of Rotifera in “Laguna Bufeos”, a flood undeniable lake of the Ichilo River in Bolivia. a complete of 104 morphospecies of monogonont Rotifera have been pointed out from 3 samples gathered on June 1, 1997. The species list comprises eleven% Neotropical endemics, five% pantropical and thirteen% tropicopolitan taxa. 4 taxa, viz. Aspelta lestes Harring and Myers, 1928; Colurella denticauda Carlin, 1939; Ptygura intermedia (Davis, 1867) and Trichocerca kostei Segers, 1993 are newly recorded from South the USA, sixty seven morphospecies are new to the Bolivian fauna. Notes are further on a few chosen taxa. Brachionus amazonica Koste and Robertson, 1983 (stat. nov.) is increased to morphospecies rank
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The function f , depending on the nuclear charge and E0 , has been tabulated in [69B3, 69Z, 71G]. There is a great number of allowed β-transitions between proton and neutron in the same subshell which are called superallowed with log f t = 3 ÷ 4. The log f t = 4 ÷ 6 holds for βtransitions between different subshells with the same l value. There are allowed l forbidden βtransitions between the subshells with ∆l = 2 and log f t = 6 ÷ 7. This is, for example, the transitions d3/2 → s1/2 , f5/2 → p3/2 etc.
The one-nucleon transfer reactions belong to the reactions (d,p), (d,t), (α,t), (t,α), (α,3 He), 3 ( He, α) and others. Such reactions can excite only states which have one quasiparticle more (or less) than the initial state; the positions of the remaining quasiparticles must be unchanged. The spectroscopic factors in the independent quasiparticle model in spherical nuclei are the following. 133) for example, for the (d,p) reaction on doubly even target nuclei. 134) for example, for the (d,t) reaction on doubly even target nuclei.
In the first one, the explicit form of the residual interaction is used [68Ku, 95Zh]. In the second one, the residual interaction is phenomenological. At first a set of independent matrix elements of the two-nucleon interaction is extracted from the known spectra of the levels, then these elements can be used for calculation of spectra of other nuclei [65Co, 84Wi, 91Ri]. Recently, there appeared papers that relate these two approaches [94Ca]. In principle, the shell model can give almost the complete solution of the many-nucleon problem, and there is a strong tendency to obtain it with modern computers.