By Geoffrey H. Bourne
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At the moment, however, it appears that the 46 The cytoplasm electron microscope is telling near the truth so far as we can interpret it, but that it is not yet showing everything that is in the cell. Garnier, the discoverer of ergastoplasm, brought out some very important points concerning its nature and these have been listed in an excellent article by Haguenau [Intern. Rev. Cytol. 7 (1958)] to which the reader is referred for further details of the ergastoplasm. Gamier said that, in the basal region of all cells, without exception, there was a portion of the cytoplasm that seemed to have a fibrillar or rodlike structure, that these filaments or rods were not separate structures but were actually part of the cytoplasm and were in direct continuity with it.
Photograph by R. ) 55 The nature of microsomes Λ in diameter, as those associated with the endoplasmic reticulum (see Figs. 29 and 30). ) It seems possible that the RNA particles could pass out from the nucleolus through pores present in the nuclear membranes (which we will discuss later) and become attached to the walls of the endoplasmic reticulum. The fact that there is a coincidence in size is of very great interest from this point of view. A different type of migration has also been suggested by Gay, who showed with the electron microscope that blebs forming at the surface of nuclei might become converted into endoplasmic reticulum and that RNA granules appeared to become attached to them before they actually became detached from the nucleus.
In this process, these cells were seen by a pseudopodial-like movement to engulf a droplet of culture fluid in which they were lying. The process was equivalent and similar to the phagocytosis of solid food by the ameba, only in the case of the tissue culture cell it is a droplet of fluid that is engulfed. Now it seems that the cells of multicellular animals even in vivo can do the same sort of thing though there may be specialized parts of the cell membrane which carry out the process. A case in point is the kidney tubule cell.