By Philippe Sands, Paolo Galizzi
Records in overseas Environmental legislations is the spouse quantity to the second one version of Philippe Sands' rules of overseas Environmental legislation (Cambridge, 2003). It contains a consultant number of overseas environmental treaties and records necessary to someone attracted to foreign legislations in the box of environmental safety. This variation represents an up to date choice of an important records and makes the textual content and the foremost details at the felony prestige of many of the acts, together with its events the place a treaty is anxious, simply obtainable to scholars, lecturers and practitioners. additionally to be had: rules of overseas Environmental legislation 0-521-81794-3 Hardback $130.00C 0-521-52106-8 Paperback $47.00D
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PART II Atmosphere 5 Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution, 13 November 1979 Editorial note The Geneva Convention was negotiated within the UN Economic Commission for Europe on the initiative of Scandinavian countries which had long been concerned about the problem of acid precipitation. The definition of ‘air pollution’ in Article 1(a) is clearly wide enough to bring many substances within the scope of the Convention. This was the first multilateral Convention relating to the protection of the environment which involved almost all nations of Eastern and Western Europe, and its parties included the USA and the then USSR.
2. The Executive Body shall: (a) Review the implementation of the present Convention; (b) Establish, as appropriate, working groups to consider matters related to the implementation and development of the present Convention and to this end to prepare appropriate studies and other documentation and to submit recommendations to be considered by the Executive Body; (c) Fulfil such other functions as may be appropriate under the provisions of the present Convention. 3. The Executive Body shall utilize the Steering Body for the EMEP to play an integral part in the operation of the present Convention, in particular with regard to data collection and scientific cooperation.
Principle 17 Environmental impact assessment, as a national instrument, shall be undertaken for proposed activities that are likely to have a significant adverse impact on the environment and are subject to a decision of a competent national authority. 22 i general instruments Principle 18 States shall immediately notify other States of any natural disasters or other emergencies that are likely to produce sudden harmful effects on the environment of those States. Every effort shall be made by the international community to help States so afflicted.