By Gyozo Forintos, Ervin Haag
The King's Indian turns out to offer White with a vintage ''man or mouse'' choice - take Black on in a single of the serious major strains, or evade the problem with an risk free sideline.
If you're uninterested in maintaining thus far with swiftly altering main-line concept, yet don't need to squeak your approach during the beginning, the Hungarian assault deals a truly welcome ''third way''. it's a positionally sound approach which additionally deals White attacking possibilities opposed to the black king - Black can simply turn out in a hopeless place with no doing something evidently unsuitable.
This ebook publications you thru the most subject matters of the Hungarian assault and provides you with a well-organized repertoire, which additionally contains strains opposed to Benoni.
The co-author Forintos is the world's best professional in this starting and this consultant includes a whole and possibly lethal approach opposed to the King's Indian and has the 1st thorough assurance of an competitive approach with shock worth.
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Choosing to enter the rook ending shows a little lack of technique. The old Russian mas ters always thought that you should improve your position slowly. xc4 36 J:tb5! f2 52 f5 c2 53 J:tc1 ':'e2+ 54 Wd6 Wc3 55 f6 J:tf2 56 We7 Wd2 % - % Came 20 Berg-I. e7 Black does not wish to accept doubled pawns. ::'f e1 For 12 h3 see Game 21. Better, however, is 1 2 Mae 1 . Then 1 2... lIeS 1 3 tiJdl ! e6 1 5 b 3 'ilYd7 1 6 tiJe3, 1 2. �bS 13 tiJdl SLe6 14 h3 tiJeS 1 5 SLxe7 �xe7 16 Me2 tiJd6 1 7 Mfe 1 all seem to be better for \Xfhite.
CtJh7!. e7 1 2 h3!? ih4?! ixg5 20 b4!. According to Gutman this move gives White an advantage. d3 1 2 . . h6 Or: a) 1 2... b8 1 6 b 3 was slighdy better for White in Santo Roman-Boudre, France 1 99 1 . id6 1 5 liJe2!? xd6 ii'xd6 1 7 liJa4 J:lf4 1 8 'ifg3 liJh5 is given by Gutman; here 1 9 'ife3! e8 1 6 liJg3 fHc7?? (16 ... ae1 gxh6 1 9 'ti'xf6! and White won, Murillo-Ugalde, Antiguo 1 999. f4 lLlh7 !? Black is trying to manoeuvre the knight to e6, where it will be ideally placed protecting c5 and the king.
Tn 'il¥e5 Black's advantage should not be underestimated White has no counterplay. 25 h3? xh3 26 gxh3 lli'g3+ 27 �h1 'iixh3+ 28 �g1 g4!