By Peter F Smith
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35 m apart. Rock wool or glass wool are the most common insulants being stable over the lifetime of the building and impervious to moisture damage. 45 W/m2K. To reach this standard would require either internal dry lining insulation or external insulation as described below. 43 W/m2K. Before installing the insulation it is advisable that all wiring within the cavity is checked for compliance with current regulations by an accredited electrician. Underfloor ventilation should be safeguarded by sleeving air vents where necessary.
The system used in the study was the Du Pont Tyvek® sealed roof boards. It found that these vapour permeable boards reduced condensation in winter to a mere 12 g/m2 per day which is easily dispersed through diffusion through the breathable Tyvek membrane. Compared with a conventional roof, air leakage in the test house was reduced by 74 per cent. 7 ach compared with the conventional control house of 6 ach. Reducing ventilation losses also has energy implications. According to John Hart of BRE the sealed roof system reduced the space heating demand in the test house by 927 kWh over the heating season.
Party walls could benefit from dry lining treatment, not necessarily to the thickness of external walls. Not only will this conserve warmth, it would also reduce noise transmission. A typical 19th century terraced house could benefit from a combination of overcladding and dry lining. The front of the house, which is often at the back or the pavement, would not be suitable for overcladding, making dry lining the only option. However, the rear, which is often L-shaped in plan, could receive overcladding treatment.